These are stories about Kieron, a boy turned man. This is his book of poems and such. It's a journey of vignettes about bullies, abuse, depression, mental unwellness, addiction, memory loss, family, death, transcendence, and God.
These writings are scattered because Kieron's mind is a collage, an unrecognizable pattern of thought, a constellation of notes in a bottle. Seems it's always been that way. Back then, there was no diagnosis for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, there was no recognizing Post-traumatic stress.
Kieron can't get away from his past - a past that could have rendered him helpless as an adult or worse. But in his youth, these inescapable seasons of distraction were also dotted with times of effortless involvement: flying model rockets, merit badges, buried treasure, inventing, camping, mountain climbing, model trains, water skiing, and puttering around his workshop. As an adult...
Kieron is seventy now, content, and while his poems and memoir writings reflect a journey of guilt and self-preservation, they also express love of family, and oh yes, feelings of existential well-being.