THE PROBLEM AND THE REMEDYThese days, our peace of mind is more at risk than ever. Between the joblessness, political tensions, economic instability, and the overwhelming number of growing concerns in our world, there is no shortage of things to be upset by.
While many of the problems we face are indeed large, many of them are not as big as we make them in our heads. We often magnify our problems and even create new problems when we become irrational. Almost more important than any problem we face is our method(s) for dealing with it. Our perspective of it and our ability to stay anchored while facing it.
Life doesn't always give us a lot of time to react. We may only have a split second to decide how we will respond to our kids when they are pushing our buttons or to our coworkers when they are not respecting our boundaries. We get one second to act, and a whole lifetime to live with the consequences. It almost doesn't seem fair.
If there is one thing hindsight almost ALWAYS shows us, it is that a calm response would have been better - even though it felt good to say or do mean things while we were angry, panicky, or afraid. So often, we have seen that our impulses can lead us 180 degrees off track, and that our lives would be better served by adopting a calmer approach to our life stressors. So then, what is the issue? The issue is that changing just isn't easy.
WHY IS IT SO HARD TO CALM DOWN?Why does it so often feel like an IMPOSSIBLE feat to regulate our emotions? Why is it so hard to control our moods, our tempers, and our reactions during life's heated moments? Often, it's because we don't really WANT to.
When you see some idiot driving slow in the fast lane, making you late for work, you suddenly no longer can see the virtues in staying calm and rational. Those virtues are replaced by momentary urges to demonstrate your frustration or to serve justice with a few choice words. Truth be told, a lot of the battle lies in regaining our desire to be calmer. Until then, we are unlikely to achieve a goal that we aren't really interested in achieving.
This book will show you that calmness IS worth achieving, and that it's far better than swinging a giant wrecking ball into the things that you've worked so hard to build. It will also tell you exactly how that is done.
THIS BOOK INCLUDES: - 30 strategies for calming down.
- Real-life stories and helpful, practical examples.
- Insights as to WHY we get worked-up, and why it's SO HARD to actually calm down.
- Inspiration and incentives to CALM DOWN (when you'd rather stay upset).
- The benefits of being able to stay calm.
- The disadvantages of NOT being able to stay calm.
- Fun commentary and opportunities for personal discovery.
- Guidance to GET BACK IN CONTROL of your situation, your happiness, and your life!
- Much, much more!
If you believe that your life would be better under the leadership of a saner, calmer you, then you've come to the right place. Welcome. This is the course for learning how to calm down. Quickly. Effectively. Before you do or say something STUPID!