Forward by Jafar Jafari
A Nice Place to Live is a Nice Place to Visit
Tourism and Quality of Life (QOL) Research: The Missing Links
Muzaffer Uysal, Richard R. Perdue and M. Joseph Sirgy
List of Contributors
Part I. Tourism and QOL
Chapter 1: Relationships and the Tourism Experience; Challenges for Quality of Life Assessments
Philip L. Pearce
Chapter 2. Positive Psychology and Tourism
Sebastian Filep
Chapter 3: The Role of Qualitative Methods in Tourism QOL Research: A Critique and Future Agenda
Vincent P. Magnini, John B. Ford and Michael S. LaTour
Chapter 4: Poverty Elimination through Tourism Dynamics
Manuel Vanegas Sr.
Chapter 5: Tourism, Poverty Relief and the QOL in Developing Countries Robertico Croes
Chapter 6: Tourism and Quality of Life: How Does Tourism Measure up?
Janne Liburd, Pierre Benckendorff and Jack Carlsen
Part II. QOL from the Perspectives of Tourists
Chapter 7: Tourist Consumption Behavior and Quality of Life
Ruhet Genç
Chapter 8: Subjective Aspects of Tourists' Quality of Life
Ruhet Genç
Chapter 9: Medical Travel and the Quality of Life
Erik Cohen
Chapter 10. Medical Tourism and Quality of Life: Physical, Physiological, and Social Aspects of QOL in Medical Tourism
Ruhet Genç
Chapter 11: Place Affinities, Lifestyle Mobilities and Quality of Life
Daniel R. Williams and Norman McIntyre
Chapter 12: Tourist Motivation and Quality of Life: In Search of the Missing Link
Graham M. S. Dann
Chapter 13: Understanding the Antecedents of Destination Identification: Linkage between Perceived Quality of Life, Self-Congruity and Destination Identification M. Mithat Üner and Can Armutlu
Chapter 14: An Analysis of Tourism QOL Domains from the Demand Side
László Puczkó and Melanie Smith
Chapter 15: Perceptions of Tourism Impacts and Satisfaction with Particular Life Domains
Philippus Stephanes (Stefan) Kruger
Chapter 16: Quality of Life and Travel Motivations Integrating the Two Concepts in the Grevillea Model
Sara Dolnicar, Katie Lazatevski, and Venkat Yanamandram
Chapter 17: Relational Tourism: Observations on Families and Travel
Jay A. Mancini, Deepu George and Bryce L. Jorgensen
Chapter 18: Impact of the Internet on Travel Satisfaction and Overall Life Satisfaction
Soo Hyun Jun, Heather J. Hartwell and Dimitrios Buhalis
Part III. QOL from the Perspectives of Residents
Chapter 19: Cultural Tourism and the Enhancement of Quality of Life
Bob McKercher and Pamela Ho
Chapter 20: Heritage, Tourism and Quality of Life
G.J.Ashworth and J.E.Tunbridge
Chapter 21: Ethnic Tourism and Resident Quality of Life
Li Yang and Xiang (Robert) Li
Chapter 22: Alternative Tourism as a Contestable Quality of Life Facilitator
David Weaver
Chapter 23: Building Social Capital to Enhance the Quality of Life of Destination Residents
Gianna Moscardo
Chapter 24: The tourist Area Life Cycle (TALC) and Its Effect on the Quality of Life (QOL) of Destination Community
Muzaffer Uysal, Eunju Woo and Manisha Singal
Chapter 25: Relationship between Carrying Capacity of Small Island Tourism Destinations and Quality of Life
Deborah Kerstetter and Kelly S. Bricker
Chapter 26: Quality of Life Values among Stakeholders in Tourism Destinations: A Tale of Converging and Diverging Interests and Conflicts
Klaus Weiermair and Mike Peters
About the Author:
- Muzaffer Uysal is a professor of tourism (Ph.D., Texas A&M University), Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech). He has extensive experience in the travel and tourism field, authoring or co-authoring a significant number of articles in tourism, hospitality and recreation journals, proceedings, book chapters, and four monographs and one book relating to different aspects of tourism marketing, demand/supply interaction and international tourism. He also has conducted workshops and seminars on similar topics and field research in several countries. He is a member of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism, the Academy of Leisure Sciences, and serves as co-editor of Tourism Analysis: an Interdisciplinary journal. In addition, he sits on the editorial boards of eight journals, including Journal of Travel Research, and Annals of Tourism Research as resource editor. He also received a number of awards for Research, Excellence in International Education, and Teaching Excellence. His current research interests center on tourism demand/supply interaction, tourism development, and QOL research in tourism.
- Richard Perdue is a professor of tourism (Ph.D., Texas A&M University), and Head of the Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech). He is an elected fellow, board chair, and past president of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism. Additionally, he currently serves as editor of the Journal of Travel Research which is widely recognized as one of the premier scholarly journals in tourism. He is also currently on the Board of Directors of the Travel and Tourism Research Association and on the editorial boards of three other tourism research journals. He has published extensively in the tourism scholarly literature, including numerous articles, proceedings, book chapters, and one book examining consumer psychology in tourism and hospitality settings. Over the past three decades, much of his research has focused on the effects of tourism development. His current research focuses on consumer behavior and sustainable development of tourism in rural, resort settings.
- M. Joseph Sirgy is a social/consumer/organizational psychologist (Ph.D., U/Massachusetts, 1979), Professor of Marketing, and Virginia Real estate Research Fellow at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech). He has published extensively in the area of quality-of-life (QOL) research, business ethics, systems science, and organizational/consumer psychology. He is the author/editor of many books related to quality of life and business ethics. He co-founded the International Society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) in 1995 and is currently serving as its Executive Director. In 1998, he received the Distinguished Fellow Award from ISQOLS. In 2003, ISQOLS honored him as the Distinguished QOL Researcher for research excellence and a record of lifetime achievement in QOL research. He also served as President of the Academy of Marketing Science from which he received the Distinguished Fellow Award in the early 1990's and the Harold Berkman Service Award in 2007 (lifetime achievement award for serving the marketing professoriate). In the early 2000's, he helped co-found the Macromarketing Society and the Community Indicators Consortium and currently is serving as a board member of these two professional associations. Furthermore, he is the current editor of the QOL section in the Journal of Macromarketing and the editor-in-chief of Applied Research in Quality of Life.