Hands of My Ancestors: A Gift to Span Generations and Immortalize Your Family in a Modern-Day Memory Keepsake Book and Family-Tree, Keeping Your Family Legacy Alive Capturing Baby to Adulthood Records on Each Family Member and/or Ancestors
Your family memoir will be revered and added to for generations yet to come.
Hands of My Ancestors is a thoughtfully designed family memoir which acts as a vessel in which you can connect with your loved ones and ancestors.
It is a gift that will span generations.
It has been designed to connect you with your loved ones while recording important information about your genealogy and ancestry.
Intended for all family types - biological, non-biological, adoptive, step-families... the list goes on!
As loved ones pass from Earth, it is a way for you to place your hand against their handprint and remember the love you had for them, and theirs for you.
Now, and generations from now, this family memoir will serve as a tool to understand where you come from. At times, it may help explain genetic traits and throwbacks of genes, or even that strange quirk you have that you share with your great-great-grandmother.
Electronic records about births, deaths and marriages are becoming more readily available and reliable. Yet, the complexities and intricacies about past generations are often lost.
This family memoir captures factual and interesting information about each family member infused with love via the personal touch of a handprint. It helps connect the dots of the fabric of your family. It also captures three stages of photographs for each family member - as a baby, teenager and adult. Included, is a section for family trees to be added to now and as the book is completed in many years to come.
It has space for 104 individual family members and ancestors and is designed to be added to as it is passed down from generation to generation.
It is genealogy done differently, and personally.
Gifting this family memoir will provide a place to connect with your loved ones and will become an invaluable and cherished keepsake and resource for many future generations.
The history of your lineage is important. You are important.
- Hardcover. To last for generations to come.
- Legacy Keepsake. Will become increasingly more invaluable as it is added to.
- Simplistic Design to Allow Beauty to Evolve. The beauty evolves around the simplistic design as the memoir is added to.
- Timeless Gift. A gift not bound by age or year.
- Large Size. 8.25"x11".
Please note: Ink and paint are not supplied for the handprint; nor is glue or tape supplied to attach photographs.