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If any of the above questions made you say "Yes," then this book is for you!
Staying Fit?
Loosing weigh?
Drinking healthy?
Or just wanted to have a refreshing, tasty drink?
Inside this book's pages, you'll be introduced to the benefits of smoothies while getting 58 of the best smoothie recipes, specifically designed for improving your health.
This book is informational, to the point and organized in such a way that you can come back to it again and again for easy reference.
These days, the food that you buy could be laced with so many preservatives and toxins, that don't benefit your body. The same goes for that extra expensive coffee and tea that most people like these days. This is exactly why you have to make sure that you get to drink only the most nutritious and delicious smoothies-so your body could get rid of all those toxins, and starts feeling better again! In today's fast world, we barely have time for ourselves, not talking about eating healthy. That's why we experience lots of immunity issues like weakness, skin problems, weight problems, allergies, etc. In order to overcome these problems our body needs nutrients.
So, the question is - how will we get these nutrients easily? Answer to this question is smoothies. Smoothies are fantastic not just for their taste but also for the health benefits: they are very rich with nutrients and minerals. They are also easy to make. This book provides simple yet powerful smoothie recipes for a healthy body!
Want to get access to some delicious, quick and easy smoothie recipes? What are you waiting for?
See yo