New York Times' best-selling author, Gary Null, Ph.D., with more than 70 titles to his name and nearly 40 million books sold to date offers this complete guide to becoming a successful and truly healthy vegetarian. In his characteristically engaging and matter-of-fact style, Dr. Null not only forwards a brilliant and thorough discussion on the importance of the vegetarian diet and how to be successful at it, but an in-depth understanding of the foundational spiritual practices of the lifestyle and their importance to both personal and planetary health.
While studies now show that just shy of 10% of the U.S. population are vegetarians or have a vegetarian-inclined diet, there are a whole host that try and fail. Add to this, the percentage of self-proclaimed vegetarians that do not eat well, relying on a host of non-animal-based junk foods for "nourishment," and we have a tragedy on our hands, states Dr. Null. "This is especially troublesome when we have an abundance of professional support for these folks along with scientific proof that the plant-based diet not only significantly reduces but eradicates most every known lifestyle disease," he exclaims.
In fact, there is a broad movement toward healthier eating in America, and the statistics bear out reason; the leading killers of Americans continue to be non-infectious lifestyle-related diseases like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and lung diseases. About 600,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year-that's 1 in every 4 deaths. Currently, cancer is running almost equal to heart disease and climbing, and we are still contending with historically unprecedented levels of obesity and diabetes. "Why, then," Dr. Null queries, "aren't more people choosing the vegetarian lifestyle and succeeding at it?"
The Healthy Vegetarian: Healing Yourself, Healing Our Planet provides an in-depth exploration of historical and modern-day vegetarianism with concrete evidence on the health-debilitating, environmentally-degrading effects of our nation's meat and dairy-based diet. It also expertly addresses the numerous psychological, emotional, societal, economic and political roadblocks that American's face in the endeavor to become a healthy vegetarian.
From the lack of educational support for vegetarianism, to special interest food industry groups, to the biggest myth of all--the protein myth--perpetrated across the media wires today by naysayers, Dr. Null single-handedly demystifies vegetarianism and tells us precisely what it takes to succeed at this very significant lifestyle choice. A choice, he notes, that is ultimately crucial for humanity's survival.
Perhaps the most enlightening, potentially life-altering aspect of this important offering, Dr. Null summons readers to consider their dietary and lifestyle choices in the larger format of spiritual integrity, noting: There has to be a reason that vegetarianism has been integral to most of the world's great religions. The answer, he asserts, is the foundational practice of reverence for all of life, which taps into the true nature of being human, which is a power that can heal our world.
Could it be then, he asks, that the vast majority of problems we are experiencing today with our health and in our personal lives as well as in the world are a result of our disconnection with our true nature--a disconnection that could all but be eliminated by the choice of a vegetarian lifestyle? Join us and discover the amazing truths within this book that are waiting to be revealed...truths that will not only help you become the healthiest possible vegetarian, but the healthiest possible human.