Have you ever wanted to know more about the bible, but you didn't seem to have the time to read it, or the bible seemed hard to understand? Heart Warmers gives you a personal glimpse of the bible in a light-hearted format. You can learn an entire chapter in about thirty minute, or learn many passages at your own pace.
Forgiveness Matthew 18:21 You know how it is, we expect others to forgive us, but we don't want to forgive others. Let this reading convict you. An Arrow Just Beyond Jeremiah 50:14 Careful where you aim your bowThey're Back I Corinthians 15:51 Lazarus isn't the only one in the bible who was raised from the dead.
Behold the Palm A palm was used as a sign of victory. Explore to see how we as Christians are just like the palm.
Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit's functions in our lives will blow your mind
Let Jesus Be Your All and All Luke 14:26 Jesus requires total dedication.
The Bible What can you learn about the bible from the bible? Read to find out.
Enriched through Marriage Hebrew 13 Learn more about the only union on earth that is compared to the union between the church and Christ
Faith is what Keeps me Going Job In less time than it takes to give yourself a good manicure, you can learn the entire book of Job.
Far Above Rubies Proverbs 31:10 Read and embrace the virtuous woman.
Your Money's Worth Job 38 How many times have you tried to tell God how to do his job? Your opinion of how God should operate isn't worth a penny.
What Must I Do To Be Saved? Nothing is left to chance. Check out the easy steps to salvation.
Someone Provide 18:24 All of us have lost a dear friend. Read about this beautiful friendship.
How Blessed Are You? Matthew 5:3 The Beatitudes in its entire splendor.
Wisdom through Living Titus 2 and I Timothy 3 What does the bible say about the role of the aged saints?
He Built a Brick House Matthew 16:18 Remember how the wolf couldn't blow The Three Little Pigs' brick house down? Well, Satan can't blow God's brick house down either. Read to learn about the glorious house God built to protect his children from harm.
Grace Growing II Peter 1:5 This building block of add on will bounce you into grace.
Holy Bible Who did Matthew write the gospel for? Mark? Luke and John? What are Paul letters about? You will be surprised.
Revelation Nothing frightening here. Come enjoy the exciting book of The Vision.
The Devil Made Me Do It Can the devil really make us do anything?