A Historical Fiction Novel Introduces a Hero - Warrior, Teacher, Lover - from Ancient Greece. When a man begins experiencing bizarre dreams, a visit to a psychic transports him to the time of Alexander the Great, and he discovers the amazing truth about his past in Andrew Feder's new historical fiction novel, The Heretic, the sequel to When The Angels Have Risen.
After questioning his bizarre dreams and an unexplained sudden knowledge of ancient Greek, Jerry Fletcher seeks the help of a psychic, who suggests that he undergo past life regression. Under this treatment, Jerry begins remembering his past lives -a Jew during the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, a young Arapaho brave, a knight during the Middle Ages - until he stops in Ancient Greece with Aias, a Spartan who was renowned during his time as the world's greatest warrior, but whose name went unrecorded in history.
Aias was not only Alexander the Great's mentor and true friend, he was a highly skilled warrior - akin to a ninja -and an inspiring military hero. The name of Aias has been mysteriously removed from Alexander's journal, but now the truth of this daring man is finally revealed, from the brutal military campaigns to the erotic escapades.
Alexander the Great often compared Aias to Illiad's Hector and Achilles.
Ptlomey thought that Aias was perhaps a God reincarnate from Olympus.
Alexander called him Aries incarnate.
His enemies called him Aias the Decapitator.
Aristotle called him The Heretic.
And the women of Greece called him ... well, you'll have to read the book to find out.
A story of romance and violence, adventure and spirituality, The Heretic unveils a new legend at home with the classics.