Parallel Numerical Computing from Illiac IV to Exascale: The Contributions of Ahmed H. Sameh
K. Gallivan, E. Gallopoulos, A. Grama, B. Philippe, E. Polizzi, Y. Saad, F. Saied, and D. Sorensen
Computational Capacity-Based Co-design of Computer Systems
David J. Kuck
Measuring Computer Performance
William Jalby, David C. Wong, David J. Kuck, Jean-Thomas Acquaviva, and Jean-Christophe Beyler
A Compilation Framework for the Automatic Restructuring of Pointer-Linked Data Structures
Harmen L.A. van der Spek, C.W. Mattias Holm, and Harry A.G. Wijshoff
Dense Linear Algebra on Accelerated Multicore Hardware
Jack Dongarra, Jakub Kurzak, Piotr Luszczek, and Stanimire Tomov
The Explicit SPIKE Algorithm: Iterative Solution of the Reduced System
Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen
The SPIKE Factorization as Domain Decomposition Method: Equivalent and Variant Approaches
Victor Eijkhout, and Robert van de Geijn
Parallel Solution of Sparse Linear Systems
Murat Manguoglu
Parallel Block-Jacobi SVD Methods
Martin Bečka, Gabriel Oksa, and Marián Vajtersic
Robust and Efficient Multifrontal Solver for Large Discretized PDEs
Jianlin Xia
A Preconditioned Scheme for Nonsymmetric Saddle-Point Problems
Abdelkader Baggag
Effect of Ordering for Iterative Solvers in Structural Mechanics Problems
Sami A. Kilic
Scaling Hypre's Multigrid Solvers to 100,000 Cores
Allison H. Baker, Robert D. Falgout, Tzanio V. Kolev, and Ulrike Meier Yang
A Riemannian Dennis-Moré Condition
K.A. Gallivan, C. Qi, and P.-A. Absil
A Jump-Start of Non-Negative Least Squares Solvers
Mu Wang, and Xiaoge Wang
Fast Nonnegative Tensor Factorization with an Active-Set-Like Method
Jingu Kim, and Haesun Park
Knowledge Discovery Using Nonnegative Tensor Factorization with Visual Analytics
Andrey A. Puretskiy and Michael W. Berry