To learn how to accurately code in ICD-10, you must practice coding. DecisionHealth's Home Health ICD-10-CM Coding Answers, 2023 is the perfect resource to help you practice coding the most common and most complicated home health scenarios so you can then apply your knowledge to real-life coding cases.
Practice your coding or teach others about coding by working through 200 ICD-10 coding scenarios that cover home health's most complicated situations.
New for 2023:
- New COVID-19 scenarios covering active COVID-19, exposure to the virus, and manifestations of the virus.
- Expanded rationale for each scenario on how to find the correct code in both the Alpha Index and in the Tabular
- Tips and warnings on what to look out for when coding complicated scenarios
Topics covered among the 200 scenarios include:
- COVID-19
- heart failure, hypertension
- pneumonia and related pulmonary conditions
- surgical and trauma wounds
- complicated wounds
- sepsis
- multiple diabetic manifestations
- lower extremity ulcers
- proper assignment of 7th character
- injuries, fractures
- late effects
- adverse effects
- and much more!
You can code each scenario in the separate workbook, and then look up the answer and rationale behind the coding in the Answers Book. The scenarios are divided into disease sections that match the chapters of your Complete Home Health ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Coding Manual, 2023.
BONUS: You'll get a pocket guide of plain-English descriptions for ICD-10 coding terms common to home health that may be encountered while coding or reading medical documentation. It covers the definitions, abbreviations and proper uses of symptoms, diagnoses, conditions, anatomical areas, procedures, surgical techniques, medical equipment, drugs and more.
Need workbooks for all of your coders? Order the workbook 5-pack
You can also purchase the Coding Answers and Coding Manual as a bundle and save $100!
About the Author: Lisa Selman-Holman, JD, BSN, RN, HCS-D, HCS-O, COS-C, VP of Quality and Education, McBee Associates, Inc
Selman-Holman brings more than 35 years of experience in the home health and hospice industry as vice president of quality and education at McBee. In her role, Selman-Holman specializes in regulatory compliance, both as an RN and a home care attorney. She founded Selman-Holman CoDR (Coding Done Right), a coding outsource and audit company, which was acquired by McBee in 2021. Selman-Holman leads quality audit team members to ensure the highest- level of accuracy in coding and clinical documentation internally at McBee and externally for clients nationwide. She is working to expand McBee's educational offerings, including live events and on-demand online trainings through the McBee Post-Acute Academy. She is the past chair of the Board of Medical Specialty Coding and Compliance (BMSC) and is an originator of the Homecare Coding Specialist-Diagnosis (HCS-D), Homecare Clinical Specialist-OASIS (HCS-O), and Homecare Coding Specialist-Hospice (HCS-H) credentials. She is an AHIMA Approved ICD-10 CM Trainer.
Sherri Parson, RN, HCS-D, HCS-O, COS-C, BCHH-C, HSC-H, Post-Acute Education Senior Manager, McBee Associates, Inc
Parson brings more than 25 years of healthcare experience to her role as post-acute education senior manager for McBee. Parson has been an in-home provider of skilled- nursing services, as well as developing expertise in quality assurance, diagnosis coding, OASIS review, and regulatory compliance. Other accomplishments include adjunct professor and developer of a college Home Health Coding Course. Parson has authored numerous articles and is frequently sought after for her expertise by publications such as Home Health Line, Diagnosis Coding Pro for Home Health, AAPC Home Care Weekly, OASIS & Outcomes Solutions, and Home Healthline. She currently serves on the AHCC's Board of Medical Specialty Coding and Compliance Certification HCS-H Committee.