Horror Flick, the novel, is about a grade-Z movie called, of course, Horror Flick. This film's star is Reva Trantini, a peer of Chaney, Lugosi, and Karloff, who died mysteriously during filming. Now his spirit resides in the film and feeds on the lives of its eclectic viewers.
Horror Flick's hero is Brent Wooden, a Clint Eastwood-type, macho detective who is more at ease with deranged killers than evil, demon-possessed material objects. His assistants in this case include Buttonwillow McKittrick, a hippie, brainy, yet peculiarly seductive psychic, Roger Herman, an ultra-low budget film maker with an ultrahigh budget ego, and Billy Bob Henson, a film critic with his nose pointed permanently skyward.
Horror Flick is populated with lots of other bizarre and interesting characters, all of whom come into contact with the film, few of whom survive. Brent Wooden follows the string of gruesome and bizarre deaths, hoping to catch this evil spirit and stop it before the film's nationally scheduled broadcast. Will he do it? Will the nation fall victim to the worst catastrophe since disco dancing? Will Brent and Buttonwillow fall in love and live happily ever after? Read the book and find out.
Horror Flick is not to be confused with a serious horror novel, a serious mystery novel, a serious romance novel, or any serious work of fiction. It's a fun, satirical romp with lots of elements from lots of genres.
About the Author: Bob Zeidman is an award-winning novelist, screenwriter, and film maker who is also a software engineer, parallel entrepreneur, mathematician, and expert witness. He lives in Silicon Valley where these kinds of activities are the norm. He plans on taking a little time off before his next venture, whatever that may be.