You've graduated-and now you're finally ready to enter the job market. This is a big step. Finding the right job will significantly impact your life, your happiness, and-of course-your finances.
Job hunting is a skill, and like any skill, it improves with practice. If you're just starting out, however, you haven't had the chance to hone your abilities quite yet. That's where How to Get Paid comes in. Here, you'll find a set of easily implemented tips and strategies to help you stand out in a job interview.
From how to write a cover letter to an increased awareness of your verbal and physical body language, author Nan-Lynn Nelson guides you through the traits and skills you need to find employment quickly. You'll learn the importance of researching your prospective employer and how to shine in an interview without upstaging the interviewer.
Written with the Millennial generation in mind, Nelson explores the job hunt from start to finish using gentle humor to make her points. With a focus on interview preparation and the soft skills business programs fail to consider, How to Get Paid will see you through to your first job-and your first paycheck.
About the Author: With thirty years of experience as an actor, Nan-Lynn Nelson is constantly interviewing for jobs with success. She's starred on Broadway, in primetime and daytime television productions, and in numerous television commercials and children's programs, including The Bloodhound Gang on PBS and Hot Hero Sandwich on NBC.
Nelson is a teaching artist with a BS in English/drama and a certification in drama therapy. Her work with young people informed her of the skills and knowledge they often lack when entering the workplace, as well as the many strengths they offer employers.