About the Book
How I Predicted the Global Economic Crisis*: The Most Amazing Book You'll Never Read * and the dot.com collapse, the housing crash, the banking crisis, the stock market plunge, the length and depth of the current recession, the bankrupting of Fannie and Freddie, Europe's debt problems, the muni-bond meltdown, a doubling of gold prices and the even bigger world economic crisis yet to come Think it's over? If you don't understand the real causes of the current crisis, it may cost you your job, your savings, your home and your country This is an introduction to the writings of the best selling author John R. Talbott, a former investment banker for Goldman Sachs and previously a Visiting Scholar at UCLA's Anderson School. In his books, Talbott, called an oracle with a track record by Bloomberg News, has accurately predicted every single financial crisis for the last twelve years. In this book he summarizes what he believes are the key underlying causes of the current crisis and explains why you better understand them if you are to protect your wealth and your family as there is an even bigger crisis coming on the horizon. In down to earth, easy to understand prose, Talbott relies on excerpts from his previous books along with new exposition to explain to all type readers, not just economists, that it makes little sense to attempt reform of Wall Street as long as the banking industry controls our congress through lobbying and campaign contributions. You will quickly realize the genius of this straight talking progressive who thinks the biggest crime of this crisis is that no banking executive has been imprisoned. A must read for serious investors, home owners and anyone interested in understanding how we can get out of this recession and avoid economic crises in the future. It has been said that if you want to know what people will be talking about years in the future, read Talbott now. John R. Talbott is the bestselling author of eight books on economics and politics that have accurately detailed and predicted the causes and devastating effects of this entire financial crisis including, in 2003, The Coming Crash in the Housing Market. In 2004, he correctly identified corporate and banking lobbyists and big money in politics as the major underlying cause of the current crisis with, Where America Went Wrong. In January 2006, he called the absolute peak month of home prices in the US by releasing, Sell Now! The End of the Housing Bubble and warned that the problem was not local, or even national, but international. In 2008, his book, Contagion: The Financial Epidemic That Is Sweeping the Global Economy predicted the subprime mortgage problem developing in the US would mutate and grow and infect not only prime mortgages, but other markets such as the stock market, commercial real estate, the municipal bond market, as well as threaten the solvency of banks and governments around the globe leading to a very long, deep and painful global recession. In 2009, The 86 Biggest Lies on Wall Street exposed the ineptness of the government's response to the crisis and the futility of enacting real reform of Wall Street when Wall Street itself is the biggest lobbyist of our congress. Talbott has written peer reviewed academic research on democracy, inequality, AIDS prevention and developing country economics and has acted as an economic adviser to Jordan and Russia. He graduated from Cornell's School of Engineering and received an MBA from UCLA. His work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, the Boston Globe, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Herald Tribune, the New Republic, the Huffington Post and salon.com. He has appeared as a financial expert on television for CNN, CBS, Fox News, CNBC, FBN, CSPAN and MSNBC as well as on hundreds of radio programs. The media can contact Talbott at johntalbs@gmail.com as well as anyone who might be interested in discussing possible speaking engagements.
About the Author: About the Author John R. Talbott is the bestselling author of eight books on economics and politics that have accurately detailed and predicted the causes and devastating effects of this entire financial crisis including, in 2003, The Coming Crash in the Housing Market. In 2004, he correctly identified corporate and banking lobbyists and big corporate money in politics as the major underlying cause of the current crisis with, Where America Went Wrong. In January 2006, he called the absolute peak month of home prices in the US by releasing, Sell Now! The End of the Housing Bubble and warned that the problem was not local, or even national, but international. In 2008, his book, Contagion: The Financial Epidemic That Is Sweeping the Global Economy predicted the subprime mortgage problem developing in the US would mutate and grow and infect not only prime mortgages, but other markets such as the stock market, commercial real estate, the municipal bond market, as well as threaten the solvency of banks and governments around the globe leading to a very long, deep and painful global recession. In 2009, The 86 Biggest Lies on Wall Street exposed the ineptness of the government's response to the crisis and the futility of enacting real reform of Wall Street when Wall Street itself is the biggest lobbyist of our congress. Formerly, an investment banker for Goldman Sachs and a Visiting Scholar at UCLA's Anderson School of Management, Talbott has written peer reviewed academic research on democracy, inequality, AIDS prevention and developing country economics and has acted as an economic adviser to Jordan and Russia. He has made presentations on economics and politics throughout the United States and in Italy and Australia. He graduated from Cornell's School of Engineering and received an MBA from UCLA. His work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, the Boston Globe, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Herald Tribune, the New Republic, the Huffington Post and salon.com. He has appeared as a financial expert on television for CNN, CBS, Fox News, CNBC, FBN, CSPAN and MSNBC as well as on hundreds of radio programs. Talbott, whose family has lived in Kentucky for 230 years is the son of a career Army officer, is 56 years old, single, an avid college football and basketball fan and lives with his faithful companion, Boca Jr., who rarely objects to any of Talbott's writings or politics except when it is time to go for a walk.