Through our interactions with our students, there is this one question that always comes back: 'How do I improve my brain'.
This Book is our answer to that one question. Because, as much as we would've liked to reveal the one magical trick to significantly enhance our brain, it simply doesn't work that way. As we will see, there is no scientific evidence to back up the claims of brain games and other programs, even though they claim they do.
One of my all time favourite quotes about the brain is from Emmerson Pugh, an American Scientist, who said.
"If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it, we would be so simple that we couldn't." I guess that says it all.
Now, for most people, the rate of neurogenesis decreases once they reach age 30 to 35. Sometimes, this decrease is so dramatic that by age 40 the first noticeable mental effects are already observable: We're talking memory loss, cognitive impairment, anxiety and depression, loss of vitality, and so on.
But this is not a fatality. Whatever our age, whatever the current state of our brain, This can change. Our brain can renew itself at any age. And depending on our lifestyle choices, we can increase that neurogenesis rate again.
And that's exactly what we aim to do with this Book.