1. Introduction A Global Perspective
2. Earthquakes: an Epidemiological Perspective on Patterns and Trends
3. Earthquakes Casualty Research and Public Education
4. Disaster Casualties - Accounting for Economic Impacts and Diurnal Variation
5. A Global Earthquake Building Damage and Casualty Database Casualty Loss Modelling
6. Earthquake Casualty Models within the USGS Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER) System
7. Loss Estimation Module in the Second Generation Software QLARM
8. Earthquake Casualties Estimation In Emergency Mode
9. Estimating Casualties for the Southern California Shakeout Lessons learnt from Regional Studies
10. Casualty Estimation due to Earthquakes: Injury Structure and Dynamics
11. Seismic Vulnerability and Collapse Probability Assessment of Buildings in Greece
12. Seismic Casualty Evaluation- the Italian Model an application to the L'Aquila 2009 Event
13. Mortality and Morbidity Risk in the L'Aquila, Italy Earthquake of 6 April 2009 and Lessons to be Learned
14. Major Factors controlling Earthquake Casualties as revealed via a Diversified Questionnaire Survey in Ojiya City for the Mid-Niigata Earthquake Exploring approaches to improving casualty modeling
15. Advances in Casualty Modelling facilitated by the USGS Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER) System
16. Challenges in Collating Earthquake Casualty Field Data
17. Estimating Human Losses Earthquake Models: A Discussion
18. Trends in the Casualty Ratio of Injured to Fatalities in Earthquakes
19. Study of Damage to the Human Body caused by Earthquakes: Development of a Mannequin for the Thoracic Compression experiments and Cyber Dummy using Finite Element Method
20. A Different View on Human Vulnerability to Earthquakes: lessons from risk perception studies