In the current Society, and under the current hierarchies, ideologies, and jurisdictions, the lifestyle of a Prince facilitates you to fulfill your needs and meanings at all levels, higher and lower, allowing you to reach your fulfillment throughout life. Yet this is the case only if you manage to live your life at higher developmental levels, since if you live your royal life at lower levels, you are doomed to decay to addictions, to follow unjustified, treacherous, irrelevant beliefs and ideologies, and this is what tyranny, cruelty, and totalitarianism are built on today. Yet this is the case on all social levels and not only at the top of Society, because you are always doomed to harm yourself and those around if you happen to be powerful, wealthy, and influential while living your life in ignorance and insecurity. Because this specific combination of power, ignorance, and insecurity always leads to tyranny and dictatorship, and these can harm the world. In this case, then yes, you are better off to be poor in life, to be the Pauper, only to save yourself and those around from yourself.
There is more to consider while studying lifestyles than the simple empirical dilemma of what is better to be in life, rich or poor, to take drugs or to stay sober, to live in the city or in the country, to stay home and read or to go out and have a blast, and so on. Because only when you know everything about life, lifestyles, and the human cognition you are capable to adjust your own lifestyle, by avoiding and removing negative, inadequate elements from it, and by enhancing and adding new, favorable ones in order to obtain positive results, positive improvements in life, achieving a prosperous, successful lifestyle and development.
Throughout this book, we make an entire model of a lifestyle, through empiric, cognitive, social, and higher perspectives, and we run this model throughout various examples, in order to identify and depict the lifestyles that you may have or that may influence you, helping you identify and understand your own life, lifestyle, and meaning in life, and through these, helping you adjust your own lifestyle in a positive manner, according to your needs, interests, and desires.