1. Overview of Hybrid Micro-Manufacturing Processes 2.1 Introduction
2.2 Classification of Hybrid Micro-Manufacturing Processes 2.3 Applications of Hybrid Micro-Manufacturing Processes
2.4 Future Research Opportunities
2. Laser Assisted Micro Machining
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Laser Machining at the Microscale
3.3 Laser Assisted Machining
3.4 Applications of Laser-Assisted Micro-
3. Magnetic Field-Assisted Micro-EDM
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Macro- vs. Micro-EDM
4.3 Mechanics of the µ-EDM Process
4.4 Magnetic Field-Assisted Micro-EDM for Non-Magnetic Materials
4. Electrorheological fluid-assisted Micro-USM
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Principle of ER fluid-assisted USM
5.3 Effectiveness of ER fluid-assisted USM
5.4 Other Fluid-assisted micromachining techniques
5. Other Assisted hybrid micro-machining processes
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Vibration assisted micro-machining
5.3 External electric field-assisted micro-machining
5.4 Carbon nano fibre-assisted micro-machining
6. Combined hybrid micro-machining processes
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Micro-electrochemical discharge machining
6.3 Simultaneous micro-ED/EC milling
6.4 Micro-ECM and micro-mechanical grinding
About the Author: Sumit Bhowmik is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam, India. His research interests include Composite materials, optimization techniques and mechanical behaviour of materials under different constraints.
Divya Zindani is currently pursuing his PhD at the National Institute of Technology, Silchar, India. His areas of interests are Manufacturing Processes, Material Selection, Optimization, Product and Process Design, CAD/CAM/CAE and Rapid prototyping.