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About the Author: Ramakar Jha is a chair professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and has 30 years of experience in the field of Hydrology and water resources engineering. Dr Jha is presently working as Chair Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Patna-INDIA, which is a Premier Institute in India under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. Dr. Jha has served at various levels from Scientist-B to Scientist-E1 at National Institute of Hydrology (NIH), Roorkee, India and as Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Rourkela. He has worked and working as Country Co-ordinator of UNESCO- GWADI and Principal Investigator for many International (EU-FP7, DAAD, ADB, AUS-Aid) and National research and consultancy projects (ISRO, DST, MoWR, MHRD). Moreover, he served as Chair for many administrative positions and received a coupel of international and national awards for research papers. Presently, he is working as Dr Rajendra Prasad Chair for Water resources under the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India in the Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Patna, Bihar
V. P. Singh A Texas A&M professor of Indian origin is receiving a prestigious award for his world-renowned work on water. Vijay P. Singh is receiving the 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers-Environmental and Water Resources Institute, otherwise known as the ASCE-EWRI. The award is in recognition of Singh's work in the field of hydrology, which is the study of water in all aspects, such as quality, distribution, preservation, transportation, etc. Some of the work he has done has even created an entire new branch of hydrology - called entropic hydrology - that is connected to the study of entropy, which means essentially the study of order and disorder as it relates to the physical universe. His work is considered fundamental for flood planning and water modeling around the world. Since earning his doctorate degree, Singh has held teaching positions in some of the most well-known universities in the US. He was an Associate Research Professor of Civil Engineering at George Washington University from 1977-78, an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Mississippi University from 1978-81, and an adjunct professor as well as the coordinator of the Environmental and Water Resources Systems Engineering Program at Louisiana State University from 1999-2006 and 2001-2006, respectively. Singh joined Texas A&M University in 2006, where he currently wears a number of different hats. He is a professor of biological and agricultural engineering, a professor of civil and environment engineering, and a Caroline and William N. Lehrer Distinguished Chair in Water Engineering (Hydrology). He has authored or edited around 10 published works in the fields of engineering and hydrology.
Vivekanand Singh is a professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and has 28 years of experience in the field of River Hydraulics, groundwater and water resources engineering. Dr. Singh has published research papers in International Journals including ASCE Journal. He has done National projects and Consultancy during his work at NIT Patna. Prior to this, Dr. Singh was Scientist at National Institute of Hydrology Roorkee. He organized several summer courses, conferences and workshops. He has been working as Editor in some Indian Journals.
L. B. Roy is a professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and has 33 years of experience in the field of water resources engineering as well as geotechnical engineering. Dr. Roy has been serving the Water Resources Engineering Department for long time and carried out various field based research activities for different river systems of the region with special emphasis to floods. Dr. Roy has been involved in many research projects and published several research papers in peer reviewed journals. He has been working for Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and received awards for various activities.
Roshni T. is an assistant professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and has 9 years of experience in the field of water resources engineering. Dr. Roshni earned her PhD in Civil Engineering at the University of Pisa, Italy. After obtaining Ph.D, Dr Roshni had joined National Institute of Technology Calicut, India as an Adhoc faculty and later joined National Institute of Technology Patna as an Assistant Professor. She has supervised 2 PhD, more than 30 Master theses. Furthermore, she has been awarded DST-SERB project for the topic Two Phase flows and Water Quality in Rivers, funded by Department of Science and Technology, MHRD India. Results obtained from her research have been published nearly 30 papers in international journals and more than 15 papers in International conferences and 3 book chapters. Dr. Roshni is active in a variety of professional bodies and she has organized numerous workshops and conferences in her academic career.