Praise For I Didn't See It Coming "In the fiercely competitive world of business, these authors learned how to play the game with skill and competence. They are uniquely qualified to teach others the rules of the workplace."
--PETER A. LUND, former president and chief executive officer, CBS, Inc.
"I Didn't See It Coming could change the way you think about your career and redefine your strategy to succeed in a corporation."
--ROBERT T. CORNELL, Managing Director, Lehman Brothers Inc.
"Candid and savvy, this book is the ultimate corporate politics rulebook. It provides clear and shrewd strategies to reach the corner office. Keep this book at your side at all times!"
--LYNNE DOMINICK, former publisher, Everyday Food magazine
"I Didn't See It Coming should be the bible for those climbing the corporate ladder. Every chapter gives me more and more critical strategies for reading the room and maneuvering through internal corporate politics."
--JASON JORDAN, Senior Sales Representative, T-Mobile
"In today's incredibly complex world, even the best leaders can make mistakes that prove fatal. In our work, we see it time and time again through our clients and executives. This book provides a very useful way to be better prepared to avoid those simple yet fatal mistakes."
--JERRY NOONAN, Partner, Spencer Stuart
About the Author: NANCY C. WIDMANN was the first woman president at CBS, Inc. She managed CBS Radio for eight years and was inducted into the Broadcasting Hall of Fame in 2005. She serves as a coach for senior managers and frequently speaks on corporate politics and strategy.
DR. ELAINE J. EISENMAN is Dean of Executive Education at Babson College. She holds a doctorate in industrial/organizational psychology and has over twenty-five years of experience as a consultant, business executive, and board director for both publicly and privately held companies.
AMY DORN KOPELAN moved upward for twenty years through the executive ranks at ABC Television and managed programming at Good Morning America for nine years. She is President of Bedlam Entertainment, Inc., a conference management company, and founder of COACH ME Inc., which provides group coaching for mid-level managers in Fortune 500 companies.
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