When you had your heart broken by your greatest love, which
places did you go to before finally finding the place you are in
now? Or if you currently have your heart broken, which place
do you frequent just to either remember or forget that person?
I was there and not anymore is a collection of poems that gracefully
traverses the delicate and dark places one used to be in when one's
heart was left shattered. It explores the different facets of moving
on and wallowing through a tapestry of words and emotions.
It is divided into two parts: I was there and I am here. I was there dwells
more on places and feelings one has felt when left alone for another.
It's a set of poems that shows emotions about getting stuck and trying
to move on. I am here is a collection of poems that talks more about
acceptance of one's brokenness and stepping out into a new place.
As it is a collection of poems curated from real experiences and
feelings, this allows the readers to fully relate to the verses along
with the emotions it has. It will let the readers realize that is all
right to wallow and be drowned with feelings, negative feelings
most especially, when you are moving on, but one shouldn't allow
the heart break determine your place in the future because -you
may be there now, but you will eventually be where your heart truly
desire to be.