This is a true Minnesota crime story set in the 1930's. Its about a very prolific gang that performed over 63car jackings, kidnappings and armed holdups. It was a seven member gang. It had 4 men and 3 women.Two of the men had served time in the St Cloud Prison for larceny and armed robbery. They were theseed that started the gang by enlisting family members.
They were eventually caught after going throughseveral salvoes of gun fire. They were arrested and held in the Chippewa County jail. Here they had to sober up from a long drinking binge and face the fact that they were now in the hands of the law, but any slip up could land them in the face of a hanging party. The Chippewa County Sheriff was worried that the gangs friends and relatives might try a rescue attempt while in Montevidio and the Chief of Police in Benson was afraid of a lynch mob when the gang was transported to Benson for trial.
This book begins with the author's explanation of gang activity and growth over the decades and explains how the prohibition and depression affected the WW1 Doughboys after the end of the war.
It tells of the gangs' real cheerleader and antagonist and how she ruined the lives of her daughter and nearly ruined the lives of her grandchildren.
My grandparents were members of the Bonrud Gang, and my grandma was their cheerleader. This is their story.
About the Author: Like thousands before me, I'm a new author with a story to tell. Iunderstand to have a book that sells well the story needs to be interesting and well put together. Okay, I did my best to bring you a story with those quality's but the story you are about to read is true. I took the story above what other writers shy away from. I wrote a true story about my family, in particular, about my grandparents. They were 2 of the 7 member Bonrud Gang. This gang was so prolific in the performance of armed robbery, kidnapping and car jackings the lawmen couldn't believe the confessions.
I make no excuses for their actions nor do I apologize for their lawless faults. I don't forgive them and I don't want to bury theirstory away where nobody can read about them. I considered them dangerous andhardened criminals that had no pitty in their hearts for what they did to their victims. The truth is, they had larceny in their hearts until the day they died. Even on their death beds they couldn't ask for foregivness.
I pull no punches in this book. It's told as it happened. My grandparents, great aunts and uncles with a friend made up the Bonrud Gang. After you read it, the title becomes very clear.