The world's most precise scientific illustrations of the human body
Packed with astonishing facts and superb quality 3-D illustrations, Illustrated Human Anatomy is a state-of-the art guide to the human body that is destined to become the definitive illustrated human anatomy reference Accessible text and detailed annotations give the names of organs and structures throughout the skeletal, muscular, lymphatic, cardiovascular, nervous, and reproductive systems, with focus features reviewing disorders of each system
Illustrated Human Anatomy features the same precise 3-D illustrations used by medical schools and hospitals -- the accuracy is without par Spreads feature a variety of body parts, such as muscle, bone, soft tissue and vascular, with explanatory text by Dr Milnes, as well as sidebars and boxes All images are fully annotated and may be shown in a variety of presentations: cross-sections; views (front, top, side); projections; and overlays Focus facts appear in balloons and other call-outs, and there are feature spreads throughout, such as one on fetal development
The illustrations are from SciePro, the world's pre-eminent medical science graphics studio of its kind It has compiled a library of 50,000 scientific illustrations, animations and 3-D digital animated models of the human body, the most detailed and medically accurate available To date they are have been used in more than 700 projects by pharmaceutical, medical, and scientific clients around the globe, such as Stanford University and Ohio State University, Swiss Surgery, Proctor and Gamble, NextBio, St Jude Medical, Pfizer and Endostim
Illustrated Human Anatomy is an exciting addition to our catalog It meets the highest standards demanded by medical schools and hospitals yet it is easily understood by lay readers It is a superb choice for professional use, and is an essential, affordable purchase for general circulation and for science and medical reference desks as well as personal libraries
About the Author: Dr Sharat Vayttaden is a published scientist with 18 years' experience in scientific writing, illustrations and presentations He earned a PhD in cell biology at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, and has been a Research Fellow at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
Based in Chicago, Dr Dana Gustafson is a Medical Writer and Senior Contributor Medical Device Specialist She has experience as a medical doctor in clinical practice, including diagnosing, examining, and treating patients, and has the skills to simplify and communicate health information to patients without medical backgrounds She trained in all healthcare specialties with an emphasis in surgery, diabetic wound care, infection management, internal medicine, vascular disease, pain management, radiologic diagnosis, microbiology, and immunology
Sebastian Kaulitzki founded the medical illustration company SciePro (www sciepro com) in Berlin in 2005 It has since completed more than 700 projects for clients around the globe