Given that the demands for commercial airline pilots are
becoming increasingly stringent, we aim to equip our readers with the
best practices in commercial aviation so that, upon joining an airline,
nothing will seem new or difficult to learn. Therefore, this manual
from the aeronautical library will be based on ILS procedures across
its various "Categories" of operation, according to the prevailing
weather conditions at the airport.
We will start with all Category I ILS approaches, used at any
airport equipped with the appropriate systems, then move on to
Category II approaches, which operate under more restrictive weather
margins, and finally cover the well-known ILS CAT III, where aircraft
can land with virtually no visibility and the airport under minimum
weather conditions, nearly without seeing the runway.
Enjoy each line read, every example explained, and each chart
observed. Revisit each lesson repeatedly, as if this book wears out
from constant use, it will have fulfilled its purpose!
Capt. Facundo Conforti