About the Book
1. Postcards from the Metaverse: An Introduction to the Immersive Internet; Dominic Power and Robin Teigland 2. Niggling Inequality: A Second Introduction to the Immersive Internet; Edward Castronova 3. The Distributed Self: Virtual Worlds and the Future of Human Identity; Richard Gilbert and Andrew Forney 4. Meta-dreaming: Entangling the Virtual and the Physical; Denise Doyle 5. Individually Social: Approaching the Merging of Virtual Worlds, the Semantic Web, and Social Networks; Francisco Gerardo Toledo Ramírez 6. Virtual Worlds as Radical Theater: Extending the Proscenium; Anthony M. Townsend and Brian E. Mennecke 7. Virtual Worlds and Indigenous Narratives; James Barrett 8. The Immersive Hand: Nonverbal Communication in Virtual Environments; Smiljana Antonijevi? 9. Discovering the 'I' in Avatar: Performance and Self-Therapy; Alicia B. Corts 10. Reflections and Projections: Enabling the Social Enterprise; Steve Mahaley, Chuck Hamilton and Tony O'Driscoll 11. Added Value of Teaching in a Virtual World; Inger-Marie Falgren Christensen, Andrew Marunchak and Cristina Stefanelli 12. Play & Fun Politics to Increase the Pervasiveness of Social Community: The Experience of Angels 4 Travellers; Maria Laura Toraldo, Gianluigi Mangia, Stefano Consiglio and Riccardo Mercurio 13. Framing Online Games Positively: Entertaining and Engagement through 'Mindful Loss' of Flow; Müberra Yüksel 14. Inhabitants of Virtual Worlds, Players of Online Games - Beware!; Antti Ainamo and Tuukka Tammi 15. Relationships, Community, and Networked Individuals; Rhonda McEwen and Barry Wellman 16. Gemeinschaft Identity in a Gesellschaft Metaverse; Cynthia Calongne, Peggy Sheehy and Andrew Stricker Sorting out the Metaverse and How the Metaverse is Sorting Us Out; Isto Huvila 17. On the Shoulders of Giants: Understanding Internet-based Generative Platforms; Jonny Holmström 18. Social Norms, Regulatory Policies, and Virtual Behavior; Andrew Harrison, Brian E. Mennecke and William N. Dilla 19. Self-organising Virtuality; Rick Oller 20. Making Currency Personal: The Salutory Tale of the Downfall of the DomDrachma; Matthew Zook Afterword; Tom Boellstorff
About the Author: Antti Ainamo, Aalto University, Finland Smiljana Antonijevi?, Roskilde University, Denmark James Barrett, Umeå University, Sweden Tom Boellstorff, University of California, USA Cynthia Calongne, Colorado Technical University, USA Edward Castronova, Indiana University, USA Stefano Consiglio, University of Napoli Federico II, Italy Alicia B. Corts, University of Georgia, USA William N. Dilla, Iowa State University, USA Denise Doyle, University of Wolverhampton, UK Inger-Marie Falgren Christensen, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark Andrew F. Forney, University of California, USA Richard L. Gilbert, Loyola Marymount University, California Chuck Hamilton, IBM Centre for Advanced Learning, Vancouver Andrew Harrison, Iowa State University, USA Jonny Holmström, Umeå University, Sweden Isto Huvila, Uppsala University, Sweden Steve Mahaley, Duke Corporate Education, USA Gianluigi Mangia, University of Naples, Italy Andrew Marunchak, University of Hertfordshire, UK Rhonda McEwen, University of Toronto, Canada Brian E. Mennecke, Iowa State University, USA Riccardo Mercurio, of Napoli Federico II, Italy Tony O'Driscoll, Duke Corporate Education, USA Rick Oller, Artist and Software Designer, USA Dominic Power, Uppsala University, Sweden Peggy Sheehy, Suffern Middle School, USA Cristina Stefanelli, University Iuav of Venice, Italy Andrew Stricker, The Air University, USA Tuukka Tammi, National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Finland Robin Teigland, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden Francisco Gerardo Toledo Ramírez, University of Western Ontario, Canada Maria Laura Toraldo, University Federico II of Naples, Italy Anthony M. Townsend, Iowa State University, USA Barry Wellman, University of Toronto, Canada Müberra Yüksel, Kadir Has University, Turkey Matthew Zook, University of Kentucky, USA