About the Book
This author is an important author and is very keen to get his book published. Unfortunately he has not supplied a ToC, but I will contact him for more information. He has however provided a 'List of Invited Chapter Authors' (see below). From Academia: 1. Christian Weber, TU Ilmenau, Germany
2. Alain Bernard, Ecole Centrale Nantes, France
3. Bernard Yannou, Ecole Centrale, Paris
4. Francois Boujat, GSCOP, Grenoble, France
5. Pascal Le Masson, Ecole de Mines, Paris
6. Dorian Marjanovic, University of Zagreb, Croatia
7. Lucienne Blessing, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
8. George Fadel, Clemson University, USA
9. Steve Eppinger, MIT, USA
10. Dan Frey, MIT, USA
12. Larry Leifer, Stanford University, USA
13. Steve Culley, University of Bath, UK
14. John Clarkson, University of Cambridge, UK
15. Rob Bracewell, University of Cambridge, UK
16. Chris McMahon, University of Bristol, UK
17. Tetsuo Tomiyama, Cranfield University, UK
19. Petra Badke-Schaub, TU Delft, Netherlands
20. Marco Cantamessa, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
21. Gaetano Cascini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
23. Yasushi Umeda, Osaka University, Japan
24. Toshiharu Taura, Kobe University, Japan
25. Joachim Lloveras, University of Catalunya, Spain
26. Tim McAloone, DTU, Denmark
27. Margareta Norrell, KTH, Sweden
28. Tobias Larsson, Blekinge TH, Sweden
29. Asko Riitahuhta, TU Tampere, Finland
30. Martin Steinart, NTNU, Norway
31. Warren Seering MIT, USA From Industry:
33. Burkhard Wolf, Heidelberger Printing machines, Germany
34. Srinivasan Dwarakanath, Airbus, France
35. Josef Ponn - Hilti
36. Luc Felgen - BMW
37. Johann Grieb - BSH
38. Thomas Anton - Knorr Bremse
39. Michael Filous - MAN Diesel & Turbo
40. Thomas Meiwald - Schreiner
41. Christoph Jung - Schreiner
42. Daniel Fuchs - Faurecia
43. Ulrich Herfeld - Audi
44. Thomas Heßling - Knorr Bremse
45. Martin Pache - Westinghouse
46. Manuel Gerst - Gildemeister
47. Joachim Wulf - MTU
48. Beate Bender - Bombardier
49. Marc Demers - Seat
50. Gerd Assmann - Knorr Bremse
51. Antimos Giapoulis - Brückner
52. Ralf Kleedörfer - Sielaff
53. Ludwig Schwankl - BMW
54. Matthew Harnden - Bombardier Transport
55. Magnus Karlsson - Ericsson
56. Lars-Erik Nyström - GE Healthcare
57. Kajsa Stridsberg-Friden - GE Healthcare
58. Susanna Lindman - GE Healthcare
59. Rob Farndon - Rolls Royce
60. Carla Pepe - Rolls Royce
61. Catharina Modahl Nilsson - Scania
62. Katarina Lund - Scania
63. Thomas Delvén - Scania
64. Dan Aldridge - Zeiss UK
About the Author: Prof. Dr. Amaresh Chakrabarti is Professor of Engineering Design at Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. He has a BE in Mechanical Engineering from University of Calcutta, India, ME in Mechanical Systems Design from Indian Institute of Science and a PhD from University of Cambridge, UK in Engineering Design. After PhD, Professor Chakrabarti led for ten years the Design Synthesis team at the EPSRC Centre for Excellence Engineering Design Centre at the University of Cambridge, before joining Indian Institute of Science. Professor Chakrabarti worked extensively in the areas of design synthesis and creativity, eco-design and sustainability and knowledge engineering and management and authored/edited 9 books (5 published by Springer), over 250 peer-reviewed articles, and has 9 patents and 2 software copyrights granted/pending. Outcomes of research from his group has led to various models, methods and tools that have been absorbed in Design Practice by organisations as diverse as Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, ISRO and IMI, and Rolls Royce. With Professor Lucienne Blessing, Professor Chakrabarti co-authored DRM, a design research methodology used widely around the world as a framework for carrying out engineering design research. Professor Chakrabarti is an Associate Editor of AI EDAM Journal (Cambridge University Press), Area Editor for Research in Engineering Design (Springer), Regional Editor for Journal for Remanufacturing (Springer), Advisory Editor for Journal of Engineering Design (Taylor & Francis), Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy (Springer) and five other international journals. Prof. Chakrabarti is on the Advisory Board of The Design Society, UK. Professor Chakrabarti founded IDeASLab - the first laboratory in India for research into design creativity, sustainability and innovation. Prof. Chakrabarti is an Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Engineering Designers, the only peer society
under the Royal Charter in the UK representing engineering design as a profession.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Lindemann is Professor at the Chair of Product Development, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University Munich (TUM), Germany. He did his Dipl.-Ing. in Mechanical Engineering in Hannover (1974), and Dr.-Ing. in Mechanical Engineering from TUM in 1979. During 1974-1980, he was a research Assistant jointly at University Hannover and TUM. During 1980-1992, he was worked (first as Assistant, later as Director) in RENK AG, Augsburg, Germany. During 1992-1995, he worked as CEO at the MAN Miller Printing Machines GmbH, Geisenheim, Germany. Since 1995, he has been a Full Professor at the Chair of Product Development, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, TUM. He has supervised over 60 PhDs and currently supervising another 35 PhD-students. During 1998 2007, he took up positions of the Dean for Study Matters, Assistant Dean and Dean of Mechanical Engineering. Between 1999 2007, he was a Member of the Supervisory Board of FH Munich (University of Applied Sciences). In 2006, he co-founded TESEON GmbH, Garching, Germany. Since 2007, he has been a Member of the Academic Senate of TUM (re-elected until 2013, acting as chairman since 2010). Since 2007, he has also been an internal member of the TUM Supervisory Board (since 2010 its vice-chairman). Professor Lindemann is a Co-Editor of the Journal Konstruktion (VDI-Springer Germany) and is on the Editorial Board of several international journals including Design Studies, Design Research and Research in Engineering Design. He authored / co-authored over ten books, edited over ten books and authored / co-authored more than 500 publications. He is an elected member of Acatech, member of the International Advisory Board of Politecnico di Torino, member of WiGeP (German scientific organization in product development/engineering design), member of the Design Society (and was its president during 2007-2010), member of the Scientific Board of international conferences, on the Steering Committee of EDC (Engineering Design Centre) University Cambridge, UK and a member of the council of charities Schäffler-FAG and Zeidler-Forschungsstiftung. His research interests include: design theory, methods, product design: innovative and creative design; design representations; creative problem solving; product design methodologies; integrated product development; industrial design; entrepreneurship; design to cost; knowledge management; co-operation and collaboration in distributed teams; lean development; structural complexity; change management; and strategic planning.