Develop and implement an effective content strategy tailored to your business's needs
Inbound Content is a step-by-step manual for attracting the right people, turning them into leads, and closing them into customers. Today, everyone knows that content is king. It's how we engage, how we inform, and how we pass the time; content is everywhere, and if you're not leveraging its power to promote your business, you've already been left behind. Having a website and social media is not enough; if you truly want to take advantage of unprecedented levels of connectedness, you have to create content that draws customers in. It's not about blindly expanding reach, it's about reaching out to the right audience. Today's marketplace is no longer about chasing the sale--with the right approach to content, your customers will come to you.
Your content must be valuable, relevant, and consistent--but how should it be implemented at the actual content-creation level? This book shows you how to develop a unified strategy, create compelling content tailored to your needs, and utilize that content to its greatest advantage in order to build your brand.
- Discover the power of storytelling and generate effective content ideas
- Plan a long-term content strategy and a content creation framework
- Create great content, promote it, measure it, and analyze its performance
- Extend your content's value, become a more effective writer, and develop a growth mentality
Effective content is worth its weight in marketing gold. It stands out from the noise, and to the customer, looks like an oasis in a desert of clickbait and paid reviews. Inbound Content shows you how to plan, build, and implement your content strategy for unprecedented engagement and sales.
About the Author: JUSTIN CHAMPION is a digital nomad, creating value from anywhere he can find a wireless connection. He self-published a free guide to help other aspiring traveling remote workers do the same: Justin has been a digital marketer since 2009 and currently serves as the Content Professor for HubSpot Academy. Justin created HubSpot Academy's Content Marketing Certification course, which has awarded over 60,000 credentials to marketing professionals across the globe. You can sign up and earn your certification for free here: Justin's passion is helping businesses and people tell stories that educate and inspire their audience to take action, whatever that action may be. Follow his research and experiments here: