The fully updated edition of the "furnace man's bible"
This new revision of Industrial Furnaces, the cornerstone volume in the field, provides up-to-date, reliable guidance for how to best use furnaces.
Continuing a long tradition as a dependable reference, this Sixth Edition helps engineers adjust to changing modes of furnace operation with valuable know-how in critical areas in which experience counts as much as analytical skills.
Thorough discussions address the latest hard information and data for working with industrial furnaces across all industries and specialties, including steelmaking, ceramics, and chemical processes. Broadened coverage in this new edition includes material on furnaces used for composites, glass, ceramics, and other nontraditional materials.
Industrial Furnaces, Sixth Edition is a must-have for use by everyone working with industrial heat processing.
About the Author: W. TRINKS, a global authority on steel mill roll pass design, governors, and industrial furnaces, published several books on these subjects in many languages.
M. H. MAWHINNEY authored Practical Industrial Furnace Design and coauthored (with Trinks) Volume I, Fifth Edition and Volume II, Fourth Edition of Industrial Furnaces.
R. A. SHANNON has more than 50 years of experience in engineering and served as the North American Manufacturing Company's authority on steel reheat furnaces, soaking pits, and forging furnaces.
R. J. REED is a retired consulting engineer and worldwide seminar leader who served as technical information director at North American Manufacturing Company.
J. R. GARVEY is a consultant who retired as director of steelmaking projects at H. K. Ferguson Company.