Crowd Counting using Wireless Infrared Distance Sensors for Indoor Environments.- Target Detection in Infrared Images using Block-based Approach.- Participatory and Collaborative Design in the Creation of Applications for Societal Development.- Cloud Service Brokers: Addressing the New Cloud Phenomenon.- Hybrid Intelligent System for Lung Cancer Type Identification.- Auditing Mechanism to Verify the Integrity of Remote Data in Cloud.- An Efficient and Secure Location Update Protocol using Fractal Based Public Keys in Mobile IP Networks.- A Novel Based Multi Agent Brokering Approach for Job Scheduling In Cloud Environment.- A Comprehensive Survey on Data Intensive Computing and Map Reduce Paradigm in Cloud Computing Environments.- Efficiently Scheduling Hadoop Cluster in Cloud Environment.- FTMXT: Fault Tolerant Immediate Mode Heuristics in Computational Grid.- Assurance System in Traditional Body Area Network for Medical Diligence.- Ensemble Classifier for Concept Drift Data Stream.- Automatic Adaptation of Frames using NSEW Affine Translation.- Tracking of Unique Colored Objects: A Simple, Fast Visual Object Detection and Tracking Technique.- Iteration Free Fractal Image Compression using Pearson's Correlation Coefficient Based Classification.- A Resilient Digital Watermarking Exploiting Spatial and Frequency Domain against Image Hackers.
About the Author: Elijah Blessing Rajsingh is Professor and Director of the School of Computer Science and Technology at Karunya University, India. He received his MTech and PhD degrees from College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, India. His areas of research interest include network security, mobile computing, wireless and ad hoc networks, parallel and distributed computing, grid computing and pervasive computing. He has several papers to his credit. He is an Associate Editor for International Journal of Computers & Applications, Acta Press, Canada and member of the editorial review board for many peer reviewed journals. He has been identified as an Expert Member of National Board of Accreditation (NBA), India. His research on health systems is being funded by the Indian Council of Medical Research. He is a member of IEEE, CSI, ISTE and has served as international advisory board member for various international conferences and workshops.
Anand Bhojan is currently working in the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. He received his PhD in Computer Science from the School of Computing, National University of Singapore. His areas of specialization are systems & networking, multimedia systems and energy management & sustainability. Dr Anand is very active in the areas of his expertise. He has several publications in various reputed international journals and has authored more than ten books which are widely referred to. He is also an Honorary Secretary of International Researchers Club, Singapore.
J. Dinesh Peter is currently working as Head, Department of Information Technology at Karunya University, Coimbatore. Prior to this, he was a full time research scholar at National Institute of Technology, Calicut, India, from where he received his PhD in computer science and engineering. His research focus includes image processing and computer vision. He has published many papers in various international journals and conferences.