"Unleash Your Inner Joy" is a series of four books designed to assist you with improvement in various areas of your life. These books help empower you to address and work on specific target areas so you can more easily facilitate growth, breakthroughs, advancement, and deep joy.
This volume, Volume 4, contains 12 visualizations for supporting and enhancing spirituality, wonder, and radiant joy in your life. The 12 visualizations in this volume are the following.
1 - Radiating Joy
2 - Gratitude
3 - Being Present
4 - Loving Yourself
5 - Receiving a Message
6 - An Answer For You
7 - Your Inner Guide
8 - Renewal with a Shaman
9 - Discovering Your Purpose
10 - Rainbow Chakra Enrichment
11 - Meeting God
12 - Transformation
These visualizations can help facilitate expansion, growth, empowerment, and healing, particularly in these areas. The guided imagery allows each person to actively participate in the inner healing work, thereby increasing your inherent and natural inner strength, power, health, and joy.
This volume also includes affirmations that support growth and empowerment in these areas.
Excellent book for introducing people to meditation, visualization, guided imagery, affirmations, growth, expansion, and self-love.
This is a great series for supporting and facilitating your own inner growth and journey on your unique path, and for helping you tap into and unleash the deep, boundless, powerful inner joy that is your natural state of being.
The books and visualizations in this series can be read in any order.