About the Book
This is a writing that reflects hazing, abuse, bad behavior, and others, the context is mainly about the many things I grew up around, or things that happened to me.Because of the general nature of the scenes, and the wording of the scenes, can be a bit harsh to many.This is not a fun read, it is not an easy read, the situations in the text are not true, and none of the names thereof exist, but that does not change the fact that the wording can be rather difficult, especially, if the contents relate to your life experience.This is, however, not written, to promote the idea that this is right or wrong, but, awareness is the key to any kind of change, those who enter the cause of the name of the title, usually have no clue that, that's who or what they are, and then, only if they open their eyes enough to see it, not everyone knows that they are jerks, less more, an insensitive jerk, these are all mild forms of the option, all of the stories could be a lot worse.The main objective is to open the eyes of the few, that many in the long run, will be able to see more clearly, and hopefully, change their ways. May the Lord bless you, Each, and every one.
About the Author: Hello, I am a minister now living in the region known as North Carolina, I grew up around Richmond Virginia, and went to school there, I attended Colleges there, and on line when money became tight, I am presently happily married to Lavonia Boatwright Fobbs, we have one son, who is now known as Drucyde Graves, we have two grand daughters; Ashleigh and Jade, all of my brothers are still living, Michael, Tommy, and Robert, my father and sister has passed on, Sherry Fleming and Elder Ollie Fobbs, my mother, Jennie Melton is alive and well. At present, we are in deep prayer about opening our first Church in North Carolina, and we are doing all that we can at Winston Salem's First Assembly of God. I have been an ordained minister now since 1986, but only fully come full circle with the Lord about 2006 or so, this is why, this book is so important, my life was that of high ridicule, but it was there to make me strong, and that's the real, true, honest to God focus.