About the Book
Excerpt From Text: LIST OF MEMBERS of NATIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE Including Representatives of Governments JAWAHARLAL NEHRU Chairman Sir M. Visveswaraya, J. C. Kumarappa, Resigned Resigned Sir Purshottamdas Thakurdas Walchand Hirachand Dr. Megh Nad Saha Dr. Radha Kamal Mukerjee A. D. Shroff Prof. J. C. Ghosh, A, K. Shaha Honble Mr. Shuaib Qureshl Dr. Nazir Ahmad Rani Laxmibai Rajwade Dr. V. S. Dubey Abdur Rahman Siddiqui Ambalal Sarabhal Gulzarilal Nanda N, M. Joshi Mrs. Vijayalakshmi Pandit K. T. Shah, Hon. Gen, Sec. Members Hon. Mr. V. V. Giri, Minister for Industries, Madras Hon. Mr. 31 M, Paffl, Minister for Industries, Bombay Hon. Dr. Syed Mahmud, Minister for Education and Development, BJObar Hon. Mr. C. J. Bharuka, Minister for Industries, Central Provinces Director of Industries, Bombay Director of Industries, Khar Director of Industries, Assam Minister in Charge of Industries, Bhopal Director of Industries, Hyderabad, Dn, Director of Industries, Mysore Development Commissioner, Baroda Director of Industries, Baroda INSURANCE NATIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE SERIES Rural Marketing and Finance River Training and Irrigation SoU Conservation and Afforestation Land Policy, Agricultural Labour and Insurance Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Horticulture and Fisheries CropsPlanning and Production Rural and Cottage Industries Power and Fuel Chemical Industries Mining and Metallurgical Industries Manufacturing Industries Industries connected with Scientific Instruments and Engineering Industries Labour Population TradeInternal and Foreign Industrial Finance Public Finance. Currency, Exchange and Banking Insurance Individual, and Social Transport Road, Mail, Air and Water Communications Posts, Telegraphs, Telephones and EacKo National Housing Pvblic Health EducationGeneral and Technical Womans Bole in Ffanned Ectnomy NATIONAL BANNING, SRINdFISS ADMINISTRATION E. T. Shah. NATIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE SERIES Report of the SubCommittee INSURANCE Chairman Sir CHTJNILAL, V. MEHTA, K.C.S.I. Secretary Shrl K. S. RAMACHANDRA IYER Edited by K. T. SHAH Honorary General Secretary NATIONAL PLANNING COMVOTTEE VORA CO., PUBLISHERS LD, 3, BOUND BUILDING, KALBADEVI ROAD, BOMBAY 2. First Edition, June, 1948 Price jRs. only Printed by CL iL jPatbare at Popular Press Bombay Limited, 35, Taxtieo Road, Bombay aad Published y M. K. Vora for Voa Co PkibBslners XAd S, Ronnd Bufldin, Bombay 2, To All Those MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL PLANNING COMMITTEE and of Its Various SubCommittees A TRIBUTE OF APPRECIATION PERSONNEL OF THE SDBCOMMITTEE ON INSURANCE Chairman Sir Ciiunilal V. Mehta, KC.SJ. Secretary Shri K. S. Ramchandra Iyer Members Pandit K. Santanam Shri J. C. Setalvad, BA Honble Mr. Shuaib Qureshi Shri L, S. Vaidyanathan, MA, F.IA Shri P. C, Ray, MA, B.L. Shri B. K Shah, B. Com, FA Mr. Abdur Rahman Siddiqi, MiA Shri K. M. Naik Shri S. C, Ray Delegate of the Womens SubCommittee Miss Dwarkabal Bhat PREFACE The National Planning Committee, appointed in 1938 began its work early in 1939.