This book is intended to survey the Internet of Behavior (IoB). The book begins with the benefits and potential pitfalls of IoB. Today, IoB has huge potential in every sector of the world. There are numerous applications for IoB which benefit users as well as the business market in order to enhance the user experience. In this book, the benefits of IoB and its negative constraints are discussed in detail. It is a high time that IoB is to take its crown and ruled the world. The work of IoB is critical in keeping our data secure because it can currently identify all humans who attempt to steal someone's data. Moreover, the business uses of IoB are in high demand. By leveraging promising technical improvements and advances in machine learning algorithms, IoB enables capture, analysis, comprehension, and response for all types of human behavior in a technique that enables the tracking and interpretation of the behavior. IoB can be very useful wherever the behavior, preferences, interests, and location of people need to be examined. On the other hand, an analytical study on consumers' social and behavioral psychology and their influence on online purchasing is much needed. With the help of visualization tools such as Tableau and detailed reporting on selection patterns, the impact of social media on decision making and the relationship between personality and purchasing power in various age groups is found. The presented study lists major decision-making psychometric factors and highlights critical factors affecting online purchases. The role of IoB is to shape customer service through the use of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, data, smart analytics, machine learning, and other volatile technologies.
The attractive components of this book are discussions of dynamic routing mechanisms to reduce energy consumption in software-defined networks; deep insight into Internet of Things (IoT) and IoB security and privacy concerns - applications and future challenges; sentiment analysis and feature reduction using an arboreal monkey compression algorithm with a deep modified neural network classifier; cybersecurity concerns for IoB; and identification of nutrients and microbial contamination in fruits and vegetables using a technology using the Internet of Behavior. There is no doubt that this book covers numerous interesting themes and details on the Internet of Behavior.
About the Author: Dr. R. Dhaya is presently working in the Department of Computer Science at King Khalid University, Abha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. She has teaching and research experience of over 16 years. Her research areas include wireless communication, advanced embedded systems, AI, ML, grid and cloud data communication, image classification, big data, and computing techniques. She has published more than 100 research articles in reputed journals and international conferences, which include SCI, Scopus, and IEEE/Springer/Elsevier/ESI Conferences. She received the Institute of Engineers, Kolkata's Outstanding Young Women Engineer award as well as the Young Women Scientist award.
Dr. R. Kanthavel is presently working in the Department of Computer Engineering at King Khalid University Abha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He has 23 years of teaching and research experience. He has been doing continuous research works in the field such as wireless communication, AI, machine learning, cooperative communication, image classification, and computing techniques. He published more than 150 research articles in refereed journals and peer reviewed international conferences.