Attention Field Theory provides a model wherein human Attention is treated as a field, which field illuminates that toward which Attention is directed. As such, Attention Fields occur in all Dimensions conceived by the Attending Observer, including physical, emotional, and mental Dimensions... where Dimensions are conceived degrees of freedom in the Observer's domains of observation and imagination.
Attention can be directed by the Will of the Observer, as occurs in acts of "paying Attention." Attention can also be attracted by external sources called Attention Attractors. Sound is a remarkably effective Attention Attractor by means of which a Listener's Attention can be usefully directed, in some cases for therapeutic purposes.
By means of sound, Attention can be guided through all such Dimensions in which the Sonic Attention Attraction takes place. By this means, a Sound Worker can guide Listener Attention through countless Dimensions, both Shared and Private Dimensions.
Because the human organism is a wholly interdependent system, the Dynamics of Attention in sonically accessible Dimensions are coupled with Attention Dynamics in inaccessible Private Dimensions. Thus, directing Listener Attention through sonically accessible Dimensions, one is also guiding Listener Attention through Private Dimensions not sonically accessible.
By such a means, sound and vibration can be used to influence Listener Attention Dynamics toward Integration, Wholeness, and Harmony... thereby supporting the Listener's innate self-healing capacities.
This text provides a semi-technical introduction to Attention Field Theory and its application to Sound Therapy, as well as to any other Attention Directed Modalities.
Attention Field Theory: A geometrical/topological framework for mapping Observer Attention Dynamics, as those Attention Dynamics are influenced by Attention-attracting phenomena and which Attention Dynamics affect Observer-organism States.