Cognitive radio is 5-G technology, comes under IEEE 802.22 WRAN (Wireless Regional Area Network) standards. It is currently experiencing rapid growth due to its potential to solve many of the problems affecting present-day wireless systems. The foremost objective of Introduction to Cognitive Radio Networks and Applications is to educate wireless communication generalists about cognitive radio communication networks. Written by international leading experts in the field, this book caters to the needs of researchers in the field who require a basis in the principles and the challenges of cognitive radio networks.
About the Author: Dr. Geetam Singh Tomar received his UG from Institute of Engineers Calcutta, PG from REC Allahabad, and PhD from RGPV Bhopal in electronics engineering and he has also completed Post-Doctoral in computer engineering from the University of Kent, Canterbury, UK. He is the director of THDC Institute of Hydropower Engineering and Technology (Government of Uttarakhand), Tehri, India and is also the director of Machine Intelligence Research Labs, Gwalior, India. Prior to this, he served in the Indian Air Force, MITS Gwalior, IIITM Gwalior, and other institutes. He also served at the University of Kent, UK, and University of West Indies, Trinidad. He is a senior member of IEEE, Fellow of IETE and IE(I), and Member of ACM, CSI, and ISTE. He received the International Plato award for academic excellence in 2009 from the International Biographical Centre (IBC), Cambridge, UK. He was listed in the 100 top academicians of the world in 2009 and 2013 and was also listed in Who's Who in the World for 2008 and 2009. He has organized more than 20 IEEE International conferences in India and other countries. He is a member of IEEE/ISO working groups. He has delivered the keynote address in many conferences abroad. He is the chief editor of 5 International Journals, has filed 1 patent, published 79 research papers in international journals, 85 papers in IEEE conferences, has written six books, and contributed five book chapters in CRC and IGI USA. He has more than 100 citations per year. He is associated with many other universities abroad as a visiting professor.
Ashish Bagwari received B. Tech. (Hons.), M. Tech. (Hons. and gold medalist), and PhD degrees in electronics and communication engineering in 2007, 2011, and 2016, respectively. He is currently head of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, Women's Institute of Technology (WIT) Dehradun, Constituent College of Uttarakhand Technical University (State Government Technical University), Dehradun, India. He has more than 7.5 years' experience in industry, academic, and research. He received the Best WIT Faculty award in 2013 and 2015 and Best Project Guide Award in 2015. Dr. Bagwari also received the Corps of Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Prize from the Institution of Engineers, India (IEI), in December 2015 and was named in Who's Who in the World 2016 (33rd Edition). Dr. Bagwari has published more than 60 research papers in various international journals (including ISI/SCI indexed) and IEEE international conferences. His current research interests include robust spectrum-sensing techniques in cognitive radio networks. He is a member of IEEE USA, MIR Laboratories India, IETE, ACM, and IAENG. He has also been an editor, an advisor, and a reviewer of several well-known international journals published by IEEE, Taylor & Francis, Springer, Elsevier, IJCCN, ISTP, IJATER, JREEE, JCSR, and JNMS, CICN-2011, 2013, 2015, 2016, CSNT-2014, 2015, ICMWOC-2014, I4CT'2014, and ICEPIT-2014. Dr. Bagwari has filed one patent. He has written one book and a few book chapters in CRC Press publications.
Jyotshana Kanti received B. Tech. (Hons.) and M. Tech. degrees in computer science and engineering from Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun, India. She has published three research papers in reputed international journals (Indexings SCI/ISI indexed) and conferences, including the IEEE international conferences.