Updated to reflect changes in the criminal justice systems in several countries, An Introduction to Comparative Legal Models of Criminal Justice, Second Edition explores and illustrates the idea that a country's legal model determines the character of its police, corrections, and legal system. It focuses on how law shapes policing, including how it causes police to act as though they are above the law.
Each chapter is designed as an independent unit of study. Along with updates to each chapter, other new additions to the second edition include:
- A list of learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter
- A summary at the end of each chapter
- Classroom exercises
- A threefold increase to the number of photographs
- An expanded discussion of the oldest known legal systems
- An extensive discussion on the rule of law
- A discussion of United Nations actions to improve juvenile justice
- Increased attention to the role of the Organization of American States
Thorough and concise, An Introduction to Comparative Legal Models of Criminal Justice, Second Edition provides a text covering the different major legal models in the world that is ideal for a one-semester course.
About the Author: Cliff Roberson, JD, LLM, PhD, is an emeritus professor of criminal justice at Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas, and a retired professor of criminology at California State University, Fresno. He earned his PhD in human behavior at U.S. International University, his LLM in criminal law, criminology, and psychiatry at The George Washington University, and his JD at American University. He is the author or co-author of more than 60 books and texts on legal subjects. He has been associate vice president for academic affairs at Arkansas Tech University, dean of arts and sciences at University of Houston in Victoria, Texas, director of programs at National College of District Attorneys, director of the Justice Center at California State University, and assistant professor of criminal justice at St. Edwards University. He has also been a trial supervisor at the Office of State Counsel for Offenders, Texas Board of Criminal Justice, and judge pro tem in the California courts.
Dilip K. Das is a professor of criminal justice, former police chief, the founding editor in chief of Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, and a human rights consultant to the United Nations. He served in the Indian Police Service for 14 years. In 1994, he founded the International Police Executive Symposium (IPES), which enjoys special consultative status in the United Nations. He has authored, edited, and coedited more than 30 books and numerous articles. He is editor in chief of two book series: Advances in Police Theory and Practice and Interviews with Global Leaders in Policing, Courts, and Prisons. He has received several faculty excellence awards and is a distinguished faculty lecturer.