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Irrigation and Water Power Engineering

Irrigation and Water Power Engineering

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Table Of Contents :
Section I IRRIGATION PRACTICEChapter 1.IntroductionChapter 2.Methods of IrrigationChapter 3.Water Requirements of CropsSection II WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERINGChapter 4.HydrologyChapter 5.Ground Water : Well IrrigationChapter 6.Reservoir PlanningChapter 7.DAMS-I : GeneralChapter 8.DAMS-II : Gravity DamsChapter 9.DAMS-III : Arch and Buttress DamsChapter 10.DAMS-IV Earth and Rockfill DamsChapter 11.DAMS-V : SpillwaysChapter 12.Diversion HeadworksSection III DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMSChapter 13.Flow IrrigationChapter 14.Irrigation Channels - I : Silt TheoriesChapter 15.Irrigation Channels - II : Design ProcedureChapter 16.Waterlogging and Canal LiningChapter 17.Canal OutletsChapter 18.Canal Regulation WorksChapter 19.Cross Drainage WorksSection IV MISCELLANEOUSTOPICSChapter 20.River EngineeringChapter 21.Water Power EngineeringChapter 22.Water Resources PlanningChapter 23.Important Dams of IndiaAppendix - IIndex

Table of Contents:
Section A : IRRIGATION PRACTICE : Chap. I : Introduction : 1. Definition 2. Necessity 3. Scope of Irrigation Science 4. Multipurpose River Valley Project 5. Benefits of Irrigation 6. Ill-Effects of Irrigation 7. Types of Irrigation 8. History of Irrigation Development in India Chap. II : Methods of Irrigation : 1. Modes or Methods of Applying Water to Crops 2. Uncontrolled or Wild Flooding 3. Free Flooding or Flooding from Field Channels 4. Flooding By Contour Laterals 5. Border Strip Flooding Method 6. Check Flooding 7. Ring Basin Flooding 8. The Zigzag Method 9. Furrow Method 10. Contour Farming 11. Sub-Surface Irrigation 12. Sprinkler Irrigation 13. Drip Irrigation 14. Examples from Competitive Examinations Chap. III : Water Requirements of Crops : 1. Functions of Irrigation Water 2. Quality of Irrigation Water 3. Types of Soils 4. Preparation of Land for Irrigation 5. Classes and Availability of Soil Water 6. Limiting Soil Moisture Conditions 7. Depth and Frequency of Irrigation 8. Principal Crops and Crop Seasons 9. Duty and Delta 10. Factors Affecting Duty 11. Methods of Improving Duty 12. Some Definitions 13. Consumptive Use of Water (EVAPO-Transpiration) 14. Irrigation Efficiencies 15. Soil Fertility 16. Crop Rotation 17. Assessment of Irrigation Water 18. Examples from Competitive Examinations Section B : WATER RESOURCES ENGINEERING : Chap. IV : Hydrology : 1. History of Hydrology 2. The Hydrologic Cycle 3. Meteorological Data 4. Hydrological Data 5. The Water Budget 6. Precipitation 7. Measurement of Rain Fall 8. Ra1ngauge Network 9. Estimation of Missing Rainfall Data 10. Computation of Average Rainfall over a Basin 11. Presentation of Rainfall Data 12. Interpretation of Rainfall Data 13. Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) 14. Losses or Abstractions from Precipitation 15. Evaporation 16. Infiltration 17. Run-Off 18. Factors Affecting Run-Off 19. Computation of Run-Off 20. Hydrograph Analysis 21. Computation of Direct Run-Off or Rain Fall Excess from Storm Hydrograph 22. Unit Hydrograph (UH) 23. S-Hydrograph (Summation Hydrograph) 24. Construction of Unit Hydrograph of Different Unit Duration from a Unit Hydrograph of Some Given Unit Duration 25. Derivation of Unit Hydrograph from Complex Storms 26. Distribution Graph 27. Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph 28. Synthetic Unit Hydrograph 29. Peak Flow Determination K 30. Empirical Formulae for Flood Discharge L 31. Flood Frequency Studies A 32. Flood Discharge by Rational Formula 33. Method of Enveloping Curves 34. Examples from Competitive Examinations Chap. V : Ground Water : Well Irrigation : 1. Introduction 2. Some Definitions 3. Divisions of Sub-Surface Water 4. Types of Aquifers 5. Storage Coefficient 6. Well Hydraulics 7. Determination of Aquifer Constant T 8. Characteristic Well Losses : Specific Capacity of Well 9. Interference among Wells 10. Fully Penetrating Artesian Gravity Well 11. Partially Penetrating Artesian Well 12. Spherical Flow in a Well 13. Tube Wells 14. Methods for Drilling Tube Wells 15. Well Shrouding and Well Development 16. Open Well 17. Yield of an Open Well 18. Methods of Lifting Water 19. Advantages and Disadvantages of Well Irrigation Over Canal Irrigation 20. Selection of Suitable Site for a Tube Well 21. Other Sources of Under Ground Water 22. Unsteady Flow Towards Wells 23. Examples from Competitive Examinations Chap. VI : Reservoir Planning : 1. Introduction 2. Investigations for Reservoir Planning 3. Selection of Site for a Reservoir 4. Zones of Storage in a Reservoir 5. Storage Capacity and Yield 6. Calculation of Reservoir Capacity for a Specified Yield, from the Mass Inflow Curve 7. Determination of Safe Yield from a Reservoir of a Given Capacity 8. Sediment Flow in Streams : Reservoir Sedimentation 9. Reservoir Sediment Control 10. Single Purpose Flood Control Reservoirs 11. Multipurpose Reservoirs 12. Apportionment of Total Cost of a Multipurpose Reservoir 13. Flood Routing 14. Examples from Competitive Examinations Chap. VII : DAMS-I : General : 1. Introduction 2. Classification According to Use 3. Classification According to Hydraulic Design 4. Classification According to Material 5. Gravity Dams 6. Arch Dams 7. Buttress Dams 8. Steel Dams 9. Timber Dams 10. Earth Dams and Rockfill Dams 11. Physical Factors Governing Selection of Type of a Dam 12. Selection of Site for a Dam Chap. VIII : Dams-II : Gravity Dams : 1. Introduction 2. Forces Acting on a Gravity Dam 3. Water Pressure 4. Weight of the Dam 5. Uplift Pressure 6. Pressure Due to Earthquake 7. Ice Pressure 8. Wave Pressure 9. Silt Pressure 10. Wind Pressure 11. Combination of Loading for Design 12. Modes of Failure : Stability Requirements 13. Principal and Shear Stresses 14. Quality and Strength of Concrete/Masonry (Is : 6512-1984) 15. Stability Analysis 16. Elementary Profile of a Gravity Dam 17. Practical Profile of a Gravity Dam 18. Limiting Height of a Gravity Dam : High and Low Gravity Dams 19. Profile of High Masonry Gravity Dam 20. Design of Gravity Dams 21. Galleries 22. Joints, Keys and Water Seals 23. Control of Cracking in Concrete Dams 24. Examples from Competetive Examinations Chap. IX Dams-III : Arch and Buttress Dams : 1. Types of Arch Dams 2. Forces on an Arch Dam 3. Design Methods for Arch Dams 4. The Elastic Theory 5. The Trial Load Analysis 6. Buttress Dams 7. Types of Buttress Dams Chap. X : Dams-IV : Earth and Rockftll Dams : 1. Introduction : Types of Earth Dams 2. Causes of Failures of Earth Dams 3. Criteria for Safe Design of Earth Dam 4. Section of an Earth Dam 5. Downstream Drainage System 6. Seepage Analysis 7. Stablity Analysis 8. Stability of Downstream Slope during Steady Seepage 9. Stability of Upstream Slope during Sudden Drawdown 10. Stability of U/S and D/S Slopes during Construction 11. Stability of Foundation Against Shear 12. Design to Suit Available Materials 13. Slope Protection 14. Seepage Control Measures 15. Slope Stability Analysis under Earth Quake Effects 16. Design Considerations in Earthquake Regions 17. Compaction of Rolled Fill Dam 18. Rockfill Dams Chap. XI : Dams-V : Spillways 1. Introduction 2. Straight Drop Spillway 3. Ogee or Overflow Spillway 4. Side Channel Spillway 5. Chute or Trough Spillway 6. Conduit or Tunnel Spillway 7. Shaft Spillway 8. Siphon Spillways 9. Dynamic Force on Spillway 10. Energy Dissipation Below Spillways 11. Indian Standard on Criteria for Design of Hydraulic Jump Type Stilling Basins With Horizontal and Sloping Aprons 12. Spillway Crest Gates 13. Outlet Works 14. Examples from Competetive Examinations Chap. XII : Diversion Headworks : 1. Introduction 2. Component Parts of a Diversion Headwork 3. The Weir 4. Location of Headworks 5. Effects of Construction of a Weir on the Regime of River 6. Causes of Failure of Weirs and Their Remedies 7. Design of Impervious Floor for Sub-Surface Flow 8. Khosla's Theory 9. Elements of Design for Surface Flow 10. Design of Vertical Drop Weir 11. Design of Sloping Glacis Weir 12. Divide Wall 13. The Fish Ladder 14. The under Sluices 15. The Canal Head Regulator 16. Silt Control at Headworks 17. Examples from Competitive Examinations Section C : DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM : Chap. XIII : Flow Irrigation : 1. Canals : Classification 2. Canal Alignment 3. Curves 4. Inundation Canals 5. Bandhara Irrigation Chap. XIV : Irrigation Channels-I : Silt Theories : 1. Type of Channels 2. Design of Alluvial Channels 3. Kennedy's Theory 4. Kennedy's Method of Channel Design 5. Silt Supporting Capacity According to Kennedy's Theory 6. Drawbacks in Kennedy's Theory 7. Further Work on Kennedy's Theory 8. Lacey's Regime Theory 9. Lacey's Theory Applied to Channel Design 10. Comparison of Kennedy's and Lacey's Theories 11. Defects in Lacey's Theory 12. Tractive Force Approach for Channel Design 13. Design" of Unlined Channels in Alluvial Soil as Per is : 7112-1973 14. Sediment Transport 15. Design of Non-Alluvial Channels 16. Examples from Competitive Examinations Chap. XV : Irrigation Channels-II : Design Procedure : 1. Longitudinal Section of Canal 2. Balancing Depth 3. Losses in Canals 4. Schedule of Area Statistics and Channel Dimensions 5. Use of Garret's Diagrams for Channel Design on Kennedy's Theory 6. Use of Laceys Regime Diagrams 7. Cross-Section of an Irrigation Channel 8. Borrow Pit 9. Spoil Bank 10. Permanent Land Width 11. Back Berm, Counter Berm 12. Maintenance of Irrigation Channels 13. Maintenance of Service Roads 14. Canal Breaches 15. Regulation of Canal System 16. Management of Irrigation Water 17. Measurement of Discharge of a Canal 18. Area Velocity Method 19. Chemical Method 20. Weir Method 21. Meter Flume 22. Stage Discharge Curve Chap. XVI : Waterlogging and Canal Lining 1. Waterlogging 2. Effects of Waterlogging 3. Causes of Waterlogging 4. Remedial Measures 5. Losses in Canal 6. Land Drainage 7. Design and Maintenance of Open Drains 8. Under-Drains or Tile Drains 9. Layout of a Tile Drain System 10. Flow of Ground Water to Drains 11. Lining of Irrigation Channels 12. Types of Lining 13. Design of Lined Canal 14. Indian Standard on Design of Lined Canals 15. Economics of Canal Lining 16. Drainage and Pressure Release Arrangements Behind Canal Lining 17. Salt Problems in Irrigated Soils 18. Examples from Competitive Examinations Chap. XVII : Canal Outlets : 1. Introduction 2. Types of Outlets 3. Important Definitions 4. Non-Mo'dular Outlets : Pipe Outlet 5. Semi-Module or Flexible Outlets 6. Rigid Module Chap. XVIII : Canal Regulation Works : 1. Introduction 2. Necessity and Location of Falls 3. Development of Falls 4. Classification of Falls 5. Cistern Design 6. Design of Sarda Type Fall 7. Design of Straight Glacis Fall 8. Montagu Type Fall 9. Inglis Type Fall 10. Off-Take Alignment 11. Head Regulators and Cross-Regulators 12. Design of Cross-Regulator and Distributary Head Regulator 13. Canal Escapes Chap. XIX : Cross Drainage Works : 1. Introduction 2. Types of Cross-Drainage Works 3. Selection of Suitable Type of Cross-Drainage Work 4. Classification of Aqueducts and Syphon Aqueducts 5. Feactures of Design of Cross-Drainage Works 6. Fdcation of Waterway of the Drain 7. Clearance and Freeboard : is Code Recommendations 8. Contraction of Canal Waterway 9. Head Loss Through Syphon Barrels ^ 10. Uplift Pressure on the Roof or Trough 11. Uplift Pressure on the Floor of the Aqueduct 12. Design of Bank Connections 13. Design Example of a Syphon Aqueduct Section D : MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS : Chap. XX : River Engineering : 1. Classification of Rivers 2. Meandering 3. Causes of Meandering 4. Basic Factors Controlling Process of Meandering 5. General Features of Meandering 6. The Aggrading Type of River 7. Degrading Type of River 8. Cut-Off 9. River Training 10. Classification of River Training Works 11. Types of River Training Works 12. Guide Bank System 13. Groynes or Spurs 14. Repelling Groyne 15. Deflecting Groynes 16. Attracting Groyne 17. Length of Groynes 18. Spacing of Groynes 19. Impermeable Groynes 20. Permeable Groynes 21. Denehys Groynes 22. Hockey Groyne 23. Marginal Bund or Levees 24. Artificial Cutoff 25. Pitched Islands 26. Bank Protection 27. Pitched Bank 28. Sandalling 29. Nanal Plantation Chap. XXI : Water Power Engineering : 1. General 2. Types of Water Power Development 3. Principal Components of Hydroelectric Scheme 4. Forebay 5. Intake Structure 6. Penstocks 7. Surge Tank 8. Turbines 9. Selection of Suitable Type of Turbine 10. The Power-House 11. Scroll Casing, Draft Tube and Tail Race 12. Assessment of Water Power Potential Chap. XXII : Water Resources Planning : 1. Introduction 2. India's Water Resources 3. Scenariao of Water Use 4. Purposes of Water Resources Development 5. Classification of Water Resources Development Projects 6. Functional Requirements in Multi-Purpose Projects 7. Process of Project Formulation 8. Project Evaluation 9. Strategies for the Future 10. Planning Strategies 11. Management Strategies Chap. XXIII : Important Dams of India : 1. Major River Basins of India 2. Bhakra Dam 3. Koyna Dam 4. Nagar Jun Sagar Dam 5. Gandhi Sagar Dam 6. Rihand Dam 7. Lower Bhavani Dam 8. Hirakud Dam 9. Krishnaraja Sagar Dam 10. Ukai Dam 11. Thein Dam 12. Tehri Dam 13. Ramganga Dam 14. Mahi Bajaj Sagar Dam 15. Ujjani Dam 16. Tungbhadra Dam 17. Dantiwada Dam

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Product Details
  • ISBN-13: 9788131807637
  • Publisher: Laxmi Publication
  • ISBN-10: 8131807630
  • Publisher Date: 2009

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    BoxerLover2 - 5 Days ago
    A Thrilling But Totally Believable Murder Mystery

    Read this in one evening. I had planned to do other things with my day, but it was impossible to put down. Every time I tried, I was drawn back to it in less than 5 minutes. I sobbed my eyes out the entire last 100 pages. Highly recommend!

    BoxerLover2 - 5 Days ago
    A Thrilling But Totally Believable Murder Mystery

    Read this in one evening. I had planned to do other things with my day, but it was impossible to put down. Every time I tried, I was drawn back to it in less than 5 minutes. I sobbed my eyes out the entire last 100 pages. Highly recommend!

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