About the Book
The Jedi Handbook of Global Education is unprecedented. It is the first book of its kind to appear anywhere. The result of 35 years of research and collaboration with some of the greatest minds of the century, the Handbook offers a global educational program designed to heal our planet, solve all of its problems without exception, and actualize an incredible new world and humanity ("The Jedi Order").
It offers a program that cannot fail to achieve its end, as it is based on an "Absolute Science" that is the culmination of 2,000 years of the history of philosophy and science. The book shows how only Global "Jedi" Education can resolve our many problems and world crises such as war, terrorism, political/religious instability, economic inequality, worldwide poverty, homelessness, nihilism, disease, and "death."
It is unprecedented in its scope. Its program includes not only hands-on methods for transforming K-12 and university education, but also for transforming our major global institutions-politics, religion, science, business, health (medicine & psychiatry), the arts and media-which by their very nature educate and shape the consciousness of our peoples.
It is superior to other similar programs to heal our planet based on merely "relative" sciences such as quantum physics, which are sense-based and unable to definitively ground the absolute reality of consciousness and the New Holistic Science now coming on the scene as a result of the global "paradigm shift" on our planet. In brief, The Jedi Handbook will reveal:
- That human HISTORY is over-How it happened, and What it means.
- That Plato, Hegel, and the JEDI philosopher/scientists on our planet have discovered the TRUTH, the Knowledge of The Force, and Jedi Absolute Science ... that reveals what and why the universe is, and who we really are.
- That Global Jedi Education alone can heal our planet.
- That the real cause of the world's problems is the immersion of the main institutions of society-science, religion, education, politics, etc.-in the Dark Side of The Force, which makes healing impossible.
- That what currently passes for "science" is really only a subset of holistic JEDI Science. That its dark world-view and main assumptions are responsible for the nihilism, depression, and youth alienation that pervades our society and schools.
- That today's mainstream Religions are incapable of healing us due to their erroneous ideas about God and man-and how this can be corrected.
- Why current education on our planet is in fact mis-education. And why the introduction of JEDI Schools and JEDI Education is the fastest way to save our schools and release the full potential of our children.
- Why our medical doctors and psychiatrists cannot heal us-and what can. What True Healing and Health is and the true cause and cure of all diseases, above all, the dis-ease called "Man."
- Why the New Age Movement is in need of major corrections if it is to realize its true ideals.
All of The Jedi Handbook's teachings are fully evidence-based and backed by Science, philosophy, reason, quantum physics, transpersonal psychology, systems theory, our religious and spiritual traditions, and the discoveries of Einstein, Schrödinger, Goswami, Laszlo, Wolf, Haisch, Grof, Watts, Wilber, Reich, Altizer and, especially, Plato and the "A- Team," Jedi Kant-Fichte-Schelling-and-Hegel, who brought the history of philosophy and science on our planet to completion. The Jedi Handbook contains both beginner and advanced teaching, but anyone with average intelligence and education will be able to understand the book and apply its basic concepts to their life, above all The Jedi Code section that teaches the Reader, "How to be a Jedi (one's true, fully actualized self) and live the greatest life imaginab
About the Author:
Ken Foldes has studied and taught philosophy, science, and spirituality at colleges and universities for over 35 years-at Sacred Heart University, St. John's University, Iona College, and SUNY Purchase. He has sat at the feet and drank in the wisdom of the best minds of the age, e.g., John McDermott, Norman O. Brown, Alan Watts, Stan Grof, Amit Goswami, Eckhart Tolle, Tom Altizer, John Sallis, Stanley Rosen, Tom Rockmore, Quentin Lauer, Otto Pöggeler, and Kenley Dove. He received his doctorate from Duquesne University in 1994 and studied at the Hegel Archives in Germany as a Fulbright Scholar. He has published articles and presented papers at such venues as the World Congress of Philosophy and the American Philosophical Association, and his book, Hegel and the Solution to Our Postmodern World Crisis, was well-reviewed by Giacomo Rinaldi in Hegel-Studien. In his early years he studied art and architecture with Richard Meier at Cooper Union and played piano, guitar, and sax in several New York City rock bands. After a brief period of experimentation with mind-altering substances, he experienced born-again Christianity and holy spirit baptism with speaking in tongues. The author also went to India and studied under several enlightened Masters, e.g., Meher Baba and Ram Dass. For more, see his "Stream of Consciousness Bio" on his Amazon Author Page. Note especially that The Jedi Handbook's Copyright page, containing a list of the members of the Omega Society, is also the author's Acknowledgments page-without the help and inspiration of these remarkable individuals the Handbook would not have appeared.