Hailed by Western elites as a leader of extraordinary vision, Paul Kagame portrayed himself as the president who helped shepherd Rwanda into a prosperous, modern future. But as this book shows, the truth is far from what we've been led to believe.
In truth, the former rebel leader Kagame was a well-spoken gangster, using his position of power to loot his own people for personal gain and enrich private interests. But with praise and support from luminaries like former US president Bill Clinton and former British prime minister Tony Blair, the full truth behind Paul Kagame's corrupt rule was never exposed to the light of day. This book changes that.
Author David Himbara blows the whistle by showing that Kagame looted the national pension, bilking his own people. In the process, he drained his country's prosperity to line his own pockets.
With Kagame's party still in power, this shocking, straightforward account is filled with international intrigue and riddled with terrifying implications. Now that Kagame has been exposed, only one question remains: will the world hold him and his party accountable for their heartless, brazen thievery?
About the Author: Rwandan Canadian author David Himbara has been a professor of international development at universities all around the world. As a consultant and strategist, he has worked for organizations ranging from the United Nations to the African Development Bank.
He first worked for Rwandan president Paul Kagame in 2000, at various times serving as head of strategy and policy and as the principal private secretary to the president. Himbara studied political philosophy at Queen's University in Ontario, Canada, and obtained his doctor of philosophy degree in 1991. In 1994, his dissertation was published as a book titled Kenyan Capitalists, the State, and Development.
Himbara's book Kagame's Killing Fields was published in 2017. He currently works as a professor at Centennial College in Toronto, Canada.