If you are serious about achieving your health and fitness goals, want to save up to extra $200 on food every month and save up to 2 to 3 hours of preparation time per week, while you are on a Ketogenic diet, then keep reading...
Did you know that, according to the American Physician Mark Hyman, "lacking an emergency life pack of food" is one of the 5 main reasons why you may fail while on a diet?
The ketogenic diet should be affordable to you! (regardless if you are a person with time and/or financial constraints). We know that you value your time and money! Therefore we invested all of our best resources and worked hard in creating and providing you with the best book on the market, The "Ketogenic Snacks".
Ketogenic Snacks includes:
- Great 100% full Keto replacements for carbs, that will kill your cravings! - pages 126 - 154
- Affordable ingredients - pages 21-39
- Sweet and Savory Fat Bombs
- Easy to make recipes that do not require much preparation time
- Focus on natural and healthier ingredient alternatives over the artificial and chemical ones (that could cause side effects on a long term)
- Meat-Based, Vegetarian, Vegan and Diary-Free Meals
- Ingredients that you can find in a regular grocery store
- Over 60 simple, easy to make, delicious snack recipes with ingridients you would normally buy
- Plenty of pictures
- Answers to the eternal Keto question of how to get enough fat (without pouring oil on everything) - pages 247 - 258
...and much, much more!
Plus "OUR BEST TIPS" that you can find at the end of the book! (pages 258 - 281)
Inside you will find information written in simple English and many pictures.
Most of the recipes you will find inside could be made on the budget of a 21 year old college student. The skills required to make most of those recipes are those of a 13 year old school pupil. Needless to say that even a busy person like Elon Musk will have enough time to prepare the recipes we offer on his own.
Even applying just a few of the main suggestions we offer in this book could lead to keeping your body in a state of ketosis at all times, saving at least $150 or $200 every month, saving more than 2 hours of preparation per week and most importantly kill your cravings and temptation for non-keto foods.
Special Offer: If you are going to order the paperback version of this book, you will be offered the e-book for free, as a bonus!
So if you want to never lack "an emergency life pack of food" and remove the risk of failing your body to be in a ketosis state at all times, achieve your health and fitness goals, save up to 3 hours of preparation time per week and save up to $500 per month on food expenses; all this while enjoying your keto journey, then CLICK "ADD TO CART"!