Knowledge management, good governance, and sustainable development are the three essential components for the prosperity of any community, and they are inter-related in terms of scope and nature. In the twenty-first century, civilization is marching toward building a knowledge-based society where knowledge will be the driving force for the development of all sectors. Knowledge will also lead to invention, innovation, modernization, entrepreneurship, dynamism, and sustainability of the economy. Knowledge management plays a key role in any society for managing, generating, sharing, and utilizing knowledge for the advancement and well-being of its citizens. The prosperity of the society also largely depends on good governance in which knowledge management plays a vital role at all levels of bureaucracy. Again, in achieving sustainable development, which is about finding better ways of doing things both for the future and the present, knowledge management and good governance are mandatory. This book brings these three burning issues under one umbrella. The book is divided into two broad and logical heading: Information and Knowledge Management and Governance and Development.
Please note: This edition is custom published for Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre and East West University, Dhaka. Not for sale in any other region.
About the Author: M Aslam Alam is a former Senior Secretary to the Government and Rector of Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC). He was also Secretary, Financial Institutions Division (FID) of the Ministry of Finance, and Secretary, Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief, Government of Bangladesh.
Fakrul Alam is UGC Professor, Department of English, University of Dhaka. He has also taught at Clemson University, USA, as a Fulbright Scholar in Residence, and as a visiting Professor in Jadavpur University, India.
Dilara Begum is the Associate Professor and Chairperson in the Department of Information Studies and Library Management at East West University. She is currently acting as the information coordinator in Asia and Oceania Section and standing committee member in Management and Marketing Section at International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).