Foreword.- 1: Background to the natural landscape and the consequences of the ecosystem conversion.- 1.1 Background of the natural landscape.- 1.1.1 The Kulunda-steppe as part of the Eurasian steppe belt (Authors: Silanteva, M.M- Hensen, I.).- 1.1.2 Climate and vegetation gradients: from the forest to the dry steppe (Authors: Lashchinsky, N., Wesche, K.).- 1.1.3 Soils of the Kulunda steppe (Authors: Kudryavcev, A. E., Mizgirev, A., Guggenberger, G., Mikutta, R.).- 1.2 Anthropogenic influences.- 1.2.1 Early Steppe cultures (Authors: Silanteva, M.M., Kudryavcev, A. E.).- 1.2.2 Russian settlements and the beginning of agriculture (Authors: Frühauf, M., Schmidt, G.).- 1.2.3 The virgin land policy (Authors: Frühauf, M., Schmidt, G.).- 1.2.4 Climate change (Authors: Kharlamova, N.).- 1.3. Consequences of the ecosystem conversion.- 1.3.1 Influence of agricultural cultivation on vegetation distribution and biodiversity (Authors: Silanteva, M.M., Hensen, I.) .- 1.3.2 Soil erosion and physical parameters (Authors: Schmidt, G., Illiger, P., ) .- 1.3.3 Soil-water content (Authors: Meißner, R., Belaev, V.I., Stephan, E.) .- 1.3.4 Soil salinization (Authors: Mikutta, R., Reichert, E., Eisold, X.).- 1.3.5 Interaction of agricultural utilization and climate and loss of soil organic matter (Authors: Guggenberger, G., Belaev, I.V., Schmidt, G., Bischoff, N., Illiger, P.).- 1.3.6 Types and occurrence of the ecosystem degradation (Authors: Frühauf, M., Heese, S., Walde, I.).- 1.3.7 Current development tendencies and future perspectives (Authors: Frühauf, M., Guggenberger, G., Belaev, I.V., Bykov, N., Kudryavcev, A. E., ).- Chapter 2: Socio-economic and institutional drivers and impacts of land use change.- 2.1 Socio-economic drivers of social change: 2.1.1 Transition of agriculture in Altai krai: The role of structural change, introduction of modern soil cultivation practices and agricultural policy (Authors: Bavorova, M., Ponkina, E., Herzfeld, T., Immaverdiev, N., Baisakova, N., Ganga, S., Hirschauer, N., ) Abstract available.- 2.1.2. Title: The Role of the Legal Ownership Forms of Farms in Achievement of Efficiency of Cereal and Sunflower Production in Kulunda Steppe of Altai Krai (Authors: Ponkina, E.V. Lobova, S.V.) Abstract available.- 2.2 Institutional drivers of social change.- 2.2 1 The role of institutions in effective policy implementation to fight land degradation in West Siberia (Authors: Theesfeld, I. and L. Jelinek).- 2.2.2 Land relations: actors, institutions and the quality of land use (Author: O. Fadeeva).- 2.3 Social-demographic drivers and impacts of land use change.- 2. 3.1 Geography of demographic and migration processes in the Kulunda steppe of the Altai Kraij (Authors: Bykov, N. Lentz, S., Wust, A.).- 2.3.2 The socio-economic environment of innovative agriculture in Altai Krai." (Nikulin, N., Sergienko, A., Vinogradskaja, O., Kurakin, A., Lentz, S., Wust, A.).- Chapter 3: Potentials and Strategies of adapted landuse as basis for ecological and social-economic sustainable development of the rural landscape.- 3.1 Demands for modern cropping systems (Authors: Meinel, T.; Grunwald, L.C.).- 3.2 Modern agricultural technology for the conditions of the steppe regions of the Altai-Krai (Authors: Belaev, I.V; Grunwald, L.C. Meinel.T).- 3.3 Testing of technologies with minimal soil tillage for row crops and cereals (Authors: Grunwald, L.C., Meinel, T.; Belaev, I.V, Koshanov, N., Rudev, N.).- 3.4 Improving t
About the Author: Prof. Dr.h.c.mult. Manfred Frühauf began his academic career by studying geography. In 1993 he was offered the Professorship (chair) of Geoecology at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. In the following years his research focused on Environmental Geography; Urban Ecology, Geomorphology and Climate Change. But his main research interest was in investigating the impacts of land-use change as well as climate change on soil degradation, especially in the steppe regions of Russia and Kazakhstan. Until his retirement in autumn 2017 he served several terms as director of the Institute of Geosciences and Geography and as dean of the faculty. In recognition of his achievements in the development of cooperation in research and teaching, he has been awarded honorary doctorates by three Russian universities. Professor Frühauf passed away shortly after completing this book.
Prof. Dr. Georg Guggenberger is Acting Director of the Institute of Soil Science at the Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany. His focus is on biogeochemical processes of carbon and nutrient cycling within the soil and its response and feedback to external drivers such as climate change and land-use change. He has published nearly 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals.
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lentz is Director of the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography in Leipzig, Germany, and holds the Chair for Regional Geography at the University of Leipzig. His research interests focus on Cultural and Social Geography, Regional Geography of Europe, mainly Eastern Europe, and the successor states of the Soviet Union. Another field of expertise is Cartography, particularly thematic mapping. He is speaker of the Leibniz ScienceCampus "Eastern Europe - Global Area", serves on the Academic Advisory Board of the Centre for East European and International Studies (Berlin) and is Vice President of the Leibniz Association.
Prof. Dr. Insa Theesfeld (Ph.D.) is a Professor of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Policy and Governance at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. An agricultural and institutional economist, her research particularly addresses the compatibility between formal institutions and society's norms and values, an aspect that influences effective policy implementation. In 2019 she was selected as the next president of the International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC).
Prof. Dr. Tobias Meinel studied geography and geoecology at the University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. He obtained his doctorate from the University of Halle, with a thesis on soil degradation in Siberian semiarid steppe regions. Meinel then worked at the Chair of Geoecology in Halle, focusing on the connection between crop farming and soil degradation. In 2007, Meinel took a position at the Amazonen-Werke in Kazakhstan, where he helped develop sustainable crop farming in the steppe regions. In 2012, the Altai State Agricultural University in Barnaul awarded him an honorary professorship in recognition of his achievements.