The story unfolds in the magical postcolonial America of the mid-19th century. Sara Daniela, a second-generation Spaniard, enjoys the bustling social life of Puerto Málaga. However, with the rise of coffee, her father buys the Ribera del Río estate, and her family moves to the mountains near the picturesque town of Mesaltepe. Although initially hesitant about the change, she now lives in the stately main house of the estate. Unknowingly, she is captivated by the serenity and simplicity of the rural mountainous environment, amidst coffee plantations and the untamed forest surrounding the property, inhabited by wild animals and neighboring an active volcano.
As in everything, her peace has a grace period-the mansion she lives in has inherited a curse that endangers her life and that of her beloved ones. The daily fluctuations of her family life become entangled with carnal passions, earthly jealousies, and the innocent perceptions of the townspeople, who weave dangerous and confusing interpretations of the daily happenings in the community. The duality of being loved and being a victim of hatred revolves around the novelty of the young Creole woman. Besides witches and mysterious curses of passion, she must face the falsehood of gallant suitors drawn not only to her youthful beauty, but also to her lineage.
The historical novel is infused with charms and traditional delights, elegant costumes and customs, and noble horses, but also with the pristine beauty of nature. It is a story of women: living dreams, strong and with much character, builders of the future, and transformers of society.
The characters of "Lady of Enchantment and Profane Love" will make you experience a range of emotions, from laughter to tears, immersing you in their experiences. The tales and episodes, set in the era, reflect both historical reality and the more contemporary magical realism of Latin America.