1. Introduction, Judit Moschkovich (USA) and Arindam Bose (India)
2. Fifty years of language data in mathematics education: A brief history
David Pimm (Canada)
3. Explaining as mathematical discursive practices of navigating through different epistemic fields
Kirstin Erath (Germany)
4. Subject-specific academic language versus mathematical discourseMarcus Schütte (Germany)
5. Authority and politeness: Complementary analyses of mathematics teaching episodes
Konstantinos Tatsis (Greece) and David Wagner (Canada)
6. The interplay of language and objects in the process of abstracting
Marei Fetzer (Germany) and Kerstin Tiedemann (Germany)
7. Interactional processes in inclusive mathematics teaching
Judith Jung (Germany)
8. How learners communicate their mathematics reasoning in a mathematics discourse
Benadette Aineamani (South Africa)
9. "I am sorry. I did not understand you" The learning of dialogue by prospective teachers
Raquel Milani (Brazil)
10. Dealing with function word problems: Identifying and interpreting verbal representations
Carina Zindel (Germany)
11. 4-year-old language repertoire in a counting situation
David Wagner (Canada) and Annica Andersson (Sweden)
12. Making student explanations relevant in whole class discussion
Jenni Ingram, Nick Andrews and Andrea Pitt (United Kingdom)
13. A teacher's use of revoicing in mathematical discussions
Kaouthar Boukafri (Spain), Marta Civil (USA) and Núria Planas (Spain)
14. Podcasts in second language math teaching as an instrument for measuring teachers' language awareness
Pelagia Papadopoulou-Tzaki and Christine Bescherer (Germany)
15. The meaning of 'number' in Kaiabi language: Indigenous teachers' identity discourses in a multilingual setting
Jackeline Rodrigues Mendes (Brazil)
16. The use of language in the construction of the natural number meaning
Lorena Trejo-Guerrero and Marta Elena Valdemoros-Álvarez (Mexico)
17. Exploring how a grade 7 teacher promotes mathematical reasoning in multilingual mathematics class of English second language learners
Lindiwe Tshabalala (South Africa)
18. Identity fostered language communication in a mathematics classroom: An analysis
Arindam Bose (India), K. Subramaniam (India) and Mamokgethi Phakeng (South Africa)
19. Recommendations for research on language and learning mathematicsJudit Moschkovich (USA)