See below for English description.
Cette histoire s'inspire d'une exp?rience v?cue par Desmond Tutu durant son enfance en Afrique du Sud et r?v?le le pouvoir des mots ainsi que le secret du pardon. Quand Desmond enfourche sa nouvelle bicyclette pour aller faire un tour, sa joie et sa fiert? se transforment en col?re lorsque des gar?ons lui crient un tr's vilain mot. Desmond ne pense plus qu'? ?a. ? Je vais me venger! ?, lance-t-il. Mais la vengeance ne soulage pas Desmondien longtemps. Gr?ce aux bons conseils du p?re Trevor, il finira par d?couvrir ce qui peut l'apaiser.
Gr?ce aux tr's belles illustrations d'A. G. Ford, cette histoire touchante ?voque la sagesse et apprend aux jeunes lecteurs comment r?agir face ? l'intimidation.
Based on a true story from Archbishop Desmond Tutu's childhood in South Africa, Desmond and the Very Mean Word (Le courage de Desmond) reveals the power of words and the secret of forgiveness. When Desmond takes his new bicycle out for a ride through his neighborhood, his pride and joy turn to hurt and anger when a group of boys shout a very mean word at him. He first responds by shouting an insult, but soon discovers that fighting back with mean words doesn't make him feel any better. With the help of kindly Father Trevor, Desmond comes to understand his conflicted feelings and sees that all people deserve compassion, whether or not they say they are sorry. Brought to vivid life in A. G. Ford's energetic illustrations, this heartfelt, relatable story conveys timeless wisdom about how to handle bullying and angry feelings, while seeing the good in everyone.
Original Title: Desmond and the Very Mean Word
About the Author: Mgr Desmond Tutu a re?u le prix Nobel de la paix en 1984 pour sa lutte perp?tuelle pour l'?galit?, la justice et la paix dans son pays natal, l'Afrique du Sud. Il continue de jouer un r?le important en tant que porte-parole dans le monde entier. A. G. Ford a grandi ? Dallas et dessine depuis son plus jeune ?ge. Il a ?tudi? au Columbus College of Art and Design et plus tard a ?t? admis au concours ?tudiant de la Soci?t? des illustrateurs ? New York. Il vit ? Dallas, au Texas.
Mgr Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his lifelong struggle to bring equality, justice, and peace to his native South Africa. He continues to play an important role as a spokesperson worldwide.
A. G. Ford grew up in Dallas and started to draw at a young age. He went on to attend The Columbus College of Art and Design and later was accepted into the Society of Illustrators student competition in New York. He lives in Dallas, Texas.