The development of an enterpising culture is a primary objective of progressive nations and organizations. While entrepreneurship may occur as a natural result of personal drive, it occurs most often, most robustly, and is most sustainable in environments designed to encourage it. This book showcases emerging research, theory, and practice in the management of creativity, invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Featuring cases and examples from around the world and from a diverse array of industries, the authors explore such issues as organizational design, knowledge management, and technology transfer, providing valuable insights for researchers, educators, students, technology professionals, business executives, scientists, and policymakers concerned with promoting entrepreneurship and its impact on organizational and economic growth.
About the Author: Elias G. Carayannis is Full Professor of Management Science as well as co-Founder and co-Director of the Global and Entrepreneurial Finance Research Institute (GEFRI) and Director of Research on Science, Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, European Union Research Center (EURC) at the School of Business, George Washington University. He has consulted to a wide variety of technology-driven organizations in the public and private sectors. He has published numerous articles in academic and professional journals, including Research Policy, Journal of R&D Management, Engineering Management Journal, and Journal of Growth and Change, and is co-author or co-editor of several books, including Idea Makers and Idea Brokers in High-Technology Entrepreneurship (Praeger, 2003), The Story of Managing Projects (Praeger, 2005), and Knowledge Creation, Diffusion and Use in Innovation Networks and Knowledge Clusters (Praeger, 2006).
Jean-Jacques Chanaron is Research Director at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Scientific Director at the Grenoble School of Management. He also serves as Associate Professor and Researcher with Henley Management College, Manchester University and Newcastle University, as well as Tongji University in Shanghai. A well-recognized expert in the automotive industry, he consults to international organizations, automobile manfacturers, and numerous component suppliers. He is a member of the French Society of Automotive Engineers and the GERPISA International Network of Researchers on the Auto Industry. Co-editor of the International Journal of Automobile Technology and Management, he has published extensively, through books, articles in refereed journals, and conference papers.