Part 1: Introduction to Ruby and Rails
Chapter 1: Hello, Rails
- The world before the Rails
- Favorite things I gained from Rails
- Increased Signal-to-Noise ratio
- Testability since Day 1
- Programmer happiness
- Installing Docker on Windows
- Installing Docker on Ubuntu Linux
- Installing Docker on MacOS - Creating simple containerized Rails app
- MVC architecture
- Deploying to Heroku
- Git workflow
Chapter 2: Ruby Quick Crash Course
- What kind of a language is Ruby? - Interactive console
- Number
- String
- Making a Class
- Public functions
- Private and protected membership
- Instance variables
- Constants
- Building on a Module
- Everything is an Object
- Date - Array
- Hash
- Symbol (after having experience building Hash with Symbol vs String)
- Instantiating other objects
- Make your own Block (simple way to introduce yield & block, and learn build simple DSL)
- Thread
- Meta-programming
Part 2: Building a Social Network
- What are we building?
- Use case diagram
- Entity diagram
Chapter 3: Building the Models
- User model
- Inserting data
- Updating data
- Seeking data
- Destroying data
- Unit-test the model with RSpec
- Complex Query
- Status model and Has One-to-One relationship
- Friendship model and Many-to-Many relationship
- Testing up the relationships
- Adding validations
- &
About the Author: Adam Notodikromo (formerly Adam Pahlevi Baihaqi) is a software engineer committed to creating working and technically well-written apps. With his colleagues in Indonesia and Germany, he is building their company together: Sonasign. He lives in Meguro, Tokyo to enjoy bowls of Yokohama-style ramen and also dry tantanmen. He works with kind teammates at Autify.