1. Introduction2. The corporate environment 2.1 Gender and Multicultural bias2.2 Traditional vs. innovative approach by authors 2.3 The Energy Industry 2.4 The Middle East 3.Case Inside and Out 3.1 What works in each case 3.2 Why the strategies should be different 3.3 What works in the Middle East 4. The Real-Cases 4.1 Nominations Committee4.2 The "Digital Prestige" course for KOC 4.3 PWN 4.4 Use of Technology in NK 4.5 Nominations of CEOs - 2015 5. Invited interviews 6. Learnings 7. Conclusions 8. References
About the Author: Maria Angela Capello is an experienced consultant for the Oil and Gas industry, expert in field development and monitoring strategies, instrumental in launching innovative implementations in Latin America, USA and the Middle East. She currently works as an executive advisor in Kuwait Oil Company (KOC), for the Greater Burgan Asset, in the planning and strategic initiatives of the Directorate. She formerly worked for Halliburton and PDVSA.
A Physicist from the Simon Bolivar University (Venezuela), with a MS in Geophysics from the Colorado School of Mines (USA), Maria volunteers extensively for professional societies, and was Vice-President of SEG in 2005. She has received the SEG "Honorary Lifetime Membership", and the SPE "Distinguished Member" and "Regional Service" awards, due to her exceptionally meritorious service and notable career in the oil industry.
Hosnia Hashim is an executive of the Kuwait oil sector, with a stellar career that has taken her to reach highest role so far assumed by a woman in the upstream sector of Kuwait.
Ms. Hosnia is the Vice President of Operations KUFPEC (Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company), accountable for the international operations of the State of Kuwait, in 15 countries spanning three continents. Before, Ms. Hosnia had been Deputy CEO of the North Kuwait asset of Kuwait Oil Company (KOC), in charge of 1,200 employees to produce 700,000 barrels of oil per day.
She sits in the Board of Directors of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Among many awards, she has recently been selected as "Oil and Gas Woman of the Year" by ADIPEC, one of the most important organizations in the oil sector, for her successful achievements of worldwide resonance.