About the Book
The struggle in digesting truth is that most people don't want to come out of their man-made traditions and they don't want to be removed from their comfort zones. The majority of folks do not want to make anyone mad or offended because they're afraid of what will happen. The general population within and without the body of Christ definitely does not want to be hated by family, friends, peers, bosses, employees or pretty much anyone. Fear, pride and rebellion are leading those who refuse to consume, swallow, digest and properly apply truth. These same people don't want to have their lives altered in any way - they're happy the way they are.People who do choose to separate themselves from the norm or the majority, because they want to get out of whatever lie is being peddled in their environment, are deemed troublemakers and rebels. When lies are exposed, those doing the exposing are defined as pot-stirrers, meddlers, and other negatives. It can become cumbersome being the outcast, the one whom everyone despises even though that which should be despised is the lie they've abided such a long time.No one wants Luke 6:22 to become their reality, plain and simple. Those who do want truth, most assuredly, do not want to be reviled for it. Few care about their reward in Heaven because it's too far away; it's more of a myth than a reality. Most want the right-here-and-now acceptance of man. It's easier to be a Sunday Christian rather than a sold-out, utterly surrendered person of God because the former condition requires nothing of self other than church attendance, doing some good deeds, and not cussing, smoking or drinking, so to speak. In the history of the world, God's people have been slain, martyred, burned, flogged, drown, despised, loathed, imprisoned, and much more. Jesus Himself was adored just to be abandoned at the first sight of ridicule from peers, neighbors and the powerful religious leaders. Jesus, however, stayed the course. In the grand scheme of things, very few have stayed the path of Christ and His Kingdom. The truth of God's eternal Kingdom requires the relinquishing of self. It demands self-discipline, obedience to the Word, humility, truth, love, patience, and so on. Many of the undigested truths from within the presumed body of Christ are topics such as homosexuality, adultery, fornication - please note these all revolve around sexual desires and mankind does not like to be deprived of indulging such desires. Others are greed, malice, bitterness, lying, faithlessness, and much more. Many, especially within the body of Christ, are walking lies; they operate naturally in the pretense of goodness, godliness, elitism, or whatever makes them appear as something better than what is reality. That alone is a lie few overcome because they have practiced it so long they fail to recognize it as a lie. Not all lies are blatant. In fact, they're generally the long-term falsehoods stemming from the pride of life that go undetected and, in turn, unrepented. And, if they do become aware through conviction that they're living a lie, they do not acknowledge it as such simply because the truth of the matter is too hard to swallow, too embarrassing to make a move toward living a life of truth instead of a façade, or some other selfish reasoning. How many people want to admit to the world around them that what they've always portrayed is a lie? Only a humble, surrendered person can accomplish such a task.The bottom line is, so far as I can tell, people don't want to change from living a lie to living the truth because it will mess with their money, their power, their sexual pleasures, ego, and their overall life status quo. I pray wholeheartedly that this little book will bring readers to a place of absolute truth so they may live a life of peace, holiness, righteousness and humility. In this, the love of God will abound more and more, for them first, and then for those around them.
About the Author: Alexys V. Wolf is the founder of the non-profit organization, The Fiery Sword Ministries, and is in love with our most Holy God. She earnestly desires to assist people from every walk of life to come out of the darkness of religiosity and into the light of the Kingdom of God. Her vision is to guide people out of carnally-driven Christianity into a Spirit-led, Spirit-driven, Kingdom-minded life full of joy. This allows God's people to usher Heaven down to Earth as is God's original intent. Alexys began her ministry preaching and teaching in prisons and has since been a guest on TV, radio, and conferences as well as ministering to people globally via internet and phone. Her mission statement is that of Jesus' found in Luke 4:18-19: "to preach the gospel to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set free those who are oppressed, and to proclaim the favorable year of the Lord." She has multiple published books and, if you're interested in inviting her as a guest speaker, please contact her at thefierysword@windstream.net or 803-238-5166. For more information, her website address is www.thefierysword.com.