German edition of the contemporary classic on presence and mindfulness, Living Presence: The Sufi Path to Mindfulness and the Essential Self.
"A heartfelt modern illumination of the Sufi path, filled with the fragrance of the ancients."
Jack Kornfield
In Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam, presence is the quality that describes a heart-filled state of mindfulness, an experience of being conscious in the present moment. It is only in this present moment, Sufi teachings reveal, that we can connect with the Divine, and the Divine can live through us.
Kabir Helminski is one of the world's most recognized teachers of Sufism. Named one of the "500 Most Influential Muslims" in the world by Georgetown University and the Royal Strategic Studies Center, Helminski and his teachings are touchstones for the growth in interest in Sufism, and his books have been translated around the world. In Living Presence, Helminski lays out the basic principles of Sufism, and how these ideas can lead to the experience of presence. In this inspiring work, readers will learn how to cultivate presence in their lives through:
"Ein unglaublicher Einblick in den Sufismus und eine intelligente Art, damit rationale Menschen Gott kennen können."
Russell Brand, englischer Schauspieler, Radiohost und sozialer Kommentator
"Lebende Präsenz" veränderte die Einstellung meiner Studierenden völlig. Es eröffnete ihnen die Augen für die innere Dimension, welche mit der äusseren Dimension Schritt halten muss, damit sich die Transformation tief ins Sein einprägt. Das Buch rüstete die Studierenden auch mit mächtigen (obschon manchmal schmerzhaften) Werkzeugen für den Weg hin zu echtem und bewussten Erwachen aus.