This insightful volume offers an overview of the fundamentals of lesson student practice in US teacher education as well as examples from math and science teacher educators using lesson study in their local contexts.
The number of teacher educators using lesson study with preservice teachers is small but growing. This book is aimed at teacher educators who may want to try lesson study in university contexts without the challenge of translating the practice from the K-12 context on their own. In this volume, lesson study is broadly overviewed, attention is given to its constituent steps, and examples of lesson study in preservice contexts are shared. Given the broad array of teacher education program designs, numerous contingencies guide teacher educators in their implementation of lesson study, given their contextual affordances and limitations.
The lesson study descriptions and cases in this book will support teacher educators and scholars across subject specialities and geographic lines, as they seek instructional frameworks to advance their pedagogical goals.
About the Author: Sharon Dotger is a professor of science education in the Syracuse University School of Education and the faculty director of teacher education and undergraduate studies. She teaches courses in elementary and secondary science methods and courses in curriculum, learning theory, teacher professional development, and science education research.
Gabriel Matney is a professor of mathematics education in the College of Education and Human Development at Bowling Green State University. He teaches mathematics education and methods courses for K-12 teaching programs.
Jennifer Heckathorn is an instructor in teacher education at Syracuse University. Her research focuses on teachers' decision-making about their professional development experiences. She has prior experience as a public school teacher and administrator.
Kelly Chandler-Olcott is Laura J. & L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence and dean of the Syracuse University School of Education.
Miranda Fox is a secondary mathematics teacher in Ohio. She has a master's in curriculum and teaching with a computer technology endorsement from Bowling Green State University. In graduate school, Miranda facilitated lesson study and conducted research on PSTs experience with lesson study in Thailand.